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-150DP-1 honor cube lvl 3(not worth)

-All drop from EOD3 its accesory and nothing else .... (add some gear or something)

Cabal Cap

-add at item exchange Cabal cap silver =2xCabal cap black(i got few reborn so i saw i can buy some cabal cap silver bcs i was thinking it will help me but it doesnt bcs i cant trade only 1 cabal cap silver for gold so i got it for nothing untill i will get 4 more .... that suck )
-add a shop where u can buy cabal cap gold with ur chaos set/weap (if some1 buy the rong item he can sell back for cabal cap and it doesnt have to get all the cabal cap u paid for maybe 1-2 less...
make chaos weap-gear destroyable so u can destroy them and get cabal cap like circuit jelow....i think it will be more easy than the option from above

-Add more dungeons where u can drop cabal cap (its boring to spam and spam and spam and spam ca2 over and over to get some cabal cap... maybe some dungeon where we can go in pt (team work maybe)....

-Honorable circle in ecoin shop but not odd circle (why!!!)?
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i can't believe this.....
first, silver caps can drop from the special boss + you can get them from redeem... just be patient and you will get 4 more to exchange it for gold.

and just because you accidently bought a wrong chaos weapon you want them to add a weapon exchange npc that can'T even work...wtf

this suggestions (feedback) or only for yourself actually...
i can argue with u all night but i wont do it
iTank stop replay useless post on every1 post on that forum(i think u post at every1 thread over here ....)if u think its useless just dislike it ...if u got a better option then leave otherwise be quiete...

better option that "" add a shop where u can buy cabal cap gold with ur chaos set/weap (if some1 buy the rong item he can sell back for cabal cap and it doesnt have to get all the cabal cap u paid for maybe 1-2 less..."" make chaos set destroy able and if u destroy it it can give u cabal cap like circui jelow from 1-10...

about cabal cap silver i think they should be added maybe u got 4 silver and u got 2 black and 29 gold and u want to buy a chaos part u have to go and drop 8 black more but if they there will be a cabal cap silver in shop u dont bcs u will trade 2 cabal cap black for 1 silver then 5 silver for 1 gold then u will have a total of 30 gold and u will but the chaos part...
i'm free to post wherever i want, you won't stop me :)
Off I won't stop u the world it's full with idiots like u we can't do anything about that keep post useless comments and be an idiot it's free...
These posts are here to discuss parts a suggestion, you are allowed to give you opinion on certain aspects but not insult people.
I wish DP points can be converted to caps.
I wish caps can be converted to ccash.
I wish dungeons to drop caps.

just a wish... ;)
what i must say is, i really love that suggestion to make chaos gear destroyable and give like 3-6 gold caps for weapons and 15-20 for gears, that would be epic if they add this.
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