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How fair is the ItemShop



im a new Player looking for an P-Server for Cabal (since its been a good while and i feel like playing it) and came across many different Server and have to say this one looks like the most well done regarding Homepage and Updates etc.. I dont share the same sense of style regarding that faces for the different sections but ya thats not what i want to talk/ask about.

The thing is the itemshop, its pretty much...ya... . The votecoins are not useable for this shop (i know that there is a voteshop, i havent seen it yet, but i doubt that it got even slightly same options) and to be honest... if i put 200€ into this Shop i would sit ingame with max slot gear (+5 okay but with the remaining ccash i could easily get it +10-+15 depending on my luck... which isnt great) and would be pretty, lets say overpowered.

However, since i dont intent to invest any more money for now into these kind of games i would like to know if you really can get those items with just playing and if you exchange alz for ccash how much time it would roughly take for 100 ccash or so with average Gear and Luck.(Taken aside things like refer a friend and earning ccash by playing retarded games for now)

How balanced is TG with people who maybe actually putted 200€ into the Itemshop and run around with triple slot items +13-+15?

TL;DR: How fair is the Donator to non-Donator relationship.(Without playing 20 Hours a day...)
Imho the difference between people that donate a lot and those who don't(or do but not that much) it's not so huge..let's say it all depends on the time u spend in game. Of course donating will boost hugely the process of chaos equipping(chais it's the ultimate gear) as u can said, but u can achieve that also without donating, the more you play the faster it will be.. as for ccCoins they are rewarded also for every redeem you'll do, so if u need a particular item from shop you just need to do some redeeming( at lower redeem rank 10 redeems=100cccoins and the ratio goes up depending from your redeem rank) or buy from other players in game with alz u farmed(100cc= more or less 700kk) tg too is balanced cause there are no items a non-donating player can't get...all is up to the skills/time invested from player..hope i have answered all your questions :)
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Thank you for your answer, it answered most of my questions. However, youre very... inaccurate in terms of the time ingame needed to outdo donators. Is it possible for some, lets say average time you need to get 700kk gold (for the 100cc) with okayish set and average luck, so i have an idea on "how" aviable itemshop items are for non donators. (Because even if you get 1cc in 100 Hours ingame that would mean its achieveable with playing...)

PS:How are the classes balanced here? On my old server where i played 2 years ago fa and fb were pretty op in pvp and fs and blader were best for pve because they have high defense/evasion skill which made (only) them able to clear harder dungeons like hard dx dungeons or atleast all dungeons were way more easier because of these skills. I see a lot of FAs in top rankings here, are they the leading race here?
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In this sever best PvP is fs and go to other u see many fa are top player its not because they are good but its count on redeem lvl and honor rank. If u wan to know more always play see the player PvP and w/n.
Hard DG we do in party
Well Yoma as you anticipated most of your incomes depends from your luck, u can do 100-200kk per hour or if you're rlly lucky 5 times more..for example if you join patren event and succeed in dropping costume hanger it will be like doing 1.7-1.8b profit in 10 min..true that that event comes twice a week but if you can join all+ farm moderately in other days, it may take you 2-3 months to have a really good equip! As for other matter I agree with Ricu, every class can clear the majority of dung(let's say all but ac), and all are kinda balanced pvp side :D
You can earn CC for free pretty easily if you know how to redeem in our server with a good set (which you can obtain over time).
From redeeming you'll get free cc rewards which you still can buy items with, if you do it well and use it well you can earn up to 3000+ cc just from 0 to 300 redeems.

From this point it sounds to me that we still have a non-donator friendly way of earning cc in our server.
Ofcourse you can buy cc items for alz, and those are pretty easy to obtain...

Get a decent set and keep farming Hazardous Valley (Hard) for Upgrade Cores, and you'll be rich in the end of the day.

The relationship of donators to non-donators, the donators will always be appreciated a little more as they support our server and we need that, but we made it up for the non-donators by putting in a Fortune Wheel which makes you give EVERYDAY a free item if your lucky enough to get one.
Thank you for all of your replies. Yesterday i runned around ingame a little to check how the ingame shops are and how overpriced the items are and its somewhat okay. I farmed some Maps like lakeside aswell to see some kind of drops and its okay aswell. So i guess i will start playing here for now and see how it will work out for me.

PS:You should write that opening all Votepages with MB3 (Scrollwheel) and voting then on all one after another aint working towards votecoins but does towards placing the vote so i got stuck with 0 votecoins and premium for 4 votes ~_~.
PS:You should write that opening all Votepages with MB3 (Scrollwheel) and voting then on all one after another aint working towards votecoins but does towards placing the vote so i got stuck with 0 votecoins and premium for 4 votes ~_~.
Not sure what this is, I do this method to vote and I don't get any issues when getting the rewards, if you open up a support thread we may be able to help you more with this, if the vote is successful you should recieve both the vcoins and premium voter service (different than just premium)
Not sure what this is, I do this method to vote and I don't get any issues when getting the rewards, if you open up a support thread we may be able to help you more with this, if the vote is successful you should recieve both the vcoins and premium voter service (different than just premium)

Well, i opened all Votesites, voted and after i reloaded the HP from here there were standing pending on 3 of them so ya... . However, since i already messed up my Limitless Set on this Account i decided to create a new Account anyways to have my free limitless Set for the Start. However since 12 Hours have passed since than i guess i can vote again on my new Account for atleast 2-3 Votesites (the 12 Hour ones).

Neverless, thank you for your quick offer to help.
I am/was already testing it out with Proxys but sadly it only worked for the second link (third link i could vote because 12 hours have elapsed) so vote 1 and vote 4 still are blocked during the fact that i already voted there recently. (11 Hours ago for the 24 one while it doesnt work with proxy and for the first link with proxy the captcha aint showing up)

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