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Im sorry if I ask too much but..


1. While farming at FT1 i got to many pet card, how can i get rid of those pet cards? do i need to but sleeping kit lvl1 just to make them re-sellable to npc?

2. I noticed that some players preffered using relic weapons than chaos ones.. which do you think is better, relic weaps or chaos weaps?

soory if i post too much.. this will be my last...for now :D

1. While farming at FT1 i got to many pet card, how can i get rid of those pet cards? do i need to but sleeping kit lvl1 just to make them re-sellable to npc?

2. I noticed that some players preffered using relic weapons than chaos ones.. which do you think is better, relic weaps or chaos weaps?

soory if i post too much.. this will be my last...for now :D

fyi, feel free to post as much as you want, it's good to be interactive, and about the weapons i highly recommend you to try out yourself and look what is fitting the best for you, all opinions are different. :p
For what regards 1st matter Zeratul gave you a solution already...for second one awakened weapons have more attack and generally crafted with more amp, so they're better in pvp/tg(where ppl have lot of rcr so you won'r crit often) or for some battle modes of some chars focused on amp/atk rather than crit dmg..chaos weaps are thought to be more effective on pve especially if you have high crit rate and you crit more ;)(difference is not that much anyway, like 2-3k per hit when you crit, and little loss in no crit)
so if im going to farm in CA's more likely i will have to use chaos weaps? hmm.. correct me if im wrong but is it much easier to craft relic weapon than chaos? let say you need to buy 1 relic piece then others materials are cheaper in auction.. all you have to do is upgrade it to +15?
before,chaos is so easy to craft than relic,but now if u got alz u can buy crafted relic
before,chaos is so easy to craft than relic,but now if u got alz u can buy crafted relic
well, that's what i observed in the game.. alz+patience= chaos; alz=relic.. hmm.. i've seen some named outrageous and some are awakened.. what is the difference? :D

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