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Fixed Item info on eshop customizer.

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Professional Enchanter
Dec 2, 2014
As far as i know none have reported this so i will. For example i will customize a Mith Orb in eshop but however is customize is Craft lvl, Upgrade (+), slots etc... The required lvl of the item doesn't change at all, it's always lvl 115. So the ones in eshop's lvl required should also change based on craft lvl, slots or ups (+XX) of the item as far as i know.
View attachment 185
I have a screen here an item from AH (Auction House) in-game Outrageous Mith Orb Craft lvl 7 so it's 10% ASA 1slot MSA it's lvl requirement is lvl 135.
Also the same with other items.
Thank you for the report.
We will fix this as soon as possible.
At the moment it is not a priority due to the fact that you start with level 190.
I also agree, no offense but t'was an issue like 4-5 months ago XD
And I repeat, you will never encounter issue wearing the items.
This will be fixed on our new website that is under construction.
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