Saint ShadowSaint/Noctis/Sparky/Izanami Contributor Gold Member Registered Mar 20, 2015 #1 As you can see, the suit has no any +15 effects + either showing the cape when you equip the Limitless Epaulet, could this be fixed?
As you can see, the suit has no any +15 effects + either showing the cape when you equip the Limitless Epaulet, could this be fixed?
Cykros Staff member Administrator Professional Enchanter Registered Mar 23, 2015 #2 Thank you for the report. We will check this and come back with news.
Winged Angela A Princess with a Shotgun ;) Registered Jun 5, 2015 #3 I have the same issue about the Limitless Capes
Winged Angela A Princess with a Shotgun ;) Registered Jun 8, 2015 #4 Mr Cykros, I hope that this will be fixed for the next update together with other fixes. Thanks
Ergo Emissary of Death Staff member Administrator Gold Member Professional Enchanter Registered Jul 1, 2015 #5 Fixed and it will apply in the next update.