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Mission War Update

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
This is the first update where we change the stats of towers, mobs and legacy weapons to bring fun in the Mission War. Depending on your feedback we will adjust more in future updates.

Mission War - Tierra Gloriosa
  • Force Towers
    • The stats of all the force towers were improved to make them usable and efficient in the war.
    • Some of towers will now show in the description the stats they give.
    • The towers duration was increased from 3 minutes to 20 minutes each.
    • The resurrection and war towers build cost with points and alz was drastically reduced.
    • The portable FT panel price was increased since the FT are now more efficient.
  • Sage's Ensign
    • The HP of it was increased.
  • Legacy Barrier
    • The HP of it was increased.
  • Legacy Changes
    • Boosted the stats of the Legacy weapons.
    • They are considered now the best weapons in game so people should use them if they want to win the war.
  • Mission War Cubes, Water Element reward changed
    • Mission War Cube(Low) - 2~4 Pieces
    • Mission War Cube(Medium) - 2~5 Pieces
    • Mission War Cube(High) - 2~6 Pieces
2017-06-30 12_09_01-Redemption Cabal.png Cabal(170630-1215-VerC0FFEE-0000).jpg Cabal(170630-1219-VerC0FFEE-0000).jpg2017-06-30 12_51_49-unknown.png (1366×768).png
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did u also change the schedule/time of TG/NWAR?
for me its really unfair for us, which is we're from the philippines cuz
the schedule is not matched to our vacant time.
"1:00 , 10:00 , 14:00 , 19:00 , 22:00 " most of us are bc in this moment.
What would be a proper time for your area to start the war? (server time)
im not the only one who need to decide for this.... !! so , ill try to ask my friends , guildmate, and buddy's ingame
to help me decide which or what time they want for it.....!!! (Suggestions for time)
We sticked in this schedule :

6:00 AM (6:00) Philippines Time = 0:00 AM (0:00) server time.
10:00 AM (10:00) Philippines Time = 4:00 AM (4:00) server time.
2:00 PM (14:00) Philippines Time = 8:00 AM (8:00) server time.
7:00 PM (19:00) Philippines Time = 1:00 PM (13:00) server time.
11:00 PM (23:00) Philippines Time = 5:00 PM (17:00) server time.
3:00 AM (3:00) Philippines Time = 9:00 PM (21:00) server time.

Most of us are just waiting for the TG/NWAR every day cuz thats the only thing that we can enjoy ourselves , it would really be great for us if we will implement 6 TG/NWAR a day. but it will still depends on players if they want to join the TG or not.

#Have a great day.
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