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Aug 12, 2015
I would like to share my thought about this matter.

First of all, removing the level reset from every redeem is very brilliant. However there are cons about the new update.
We all know that the new requirements of the redeem system is:

1. Redeem Coins (150pcs, 300pcs, 450pcs, 600pcs)
2. Alz (25M, 50M, 75M, 100M,)
3. Honor Points (1.250M HR, 2.500M HR, 3.750M HR, 5M HR)

First, considering the fact that there is around 70% - 80% chance of getting Bronze redeem reward which only gives 5 e-coins, REDEEMS 100 AND ABOVE IS VERY COSTLY WITH THE 50M ALZ REQUIREMENT + 300PCS REDEEM COINS + 2.5M HR POINTS. IT IS MORE EFFICIENT TO BUY E-COINS FROM DONATORS THAN SPEND TWICE THE AMOUNT OF ALZ/RC/HR GETTING 5 E-COINS FROM REDEEM REWARDS. I assume that nobody will spend 50m alz + RC + HR points just to get 5-ecoins. (Conclusion: REDEEM 100 and above is not worth it.)

Second is: making Honor Points as a requirement for redeeming is very unnecessary. Given the drop rates of Honor Potions is very low, it would be impossible for the new players to reach HR20 because they would be forced to redeem in order to acquire some items. It should have been taken into consideration that most of the old players are HR20 and the new one's are struggling to even reach HR15. The gap between the old ones and the new ones will just widen.

Please take note that when players feel that everything in game is ACHIEVABLE, they would never leave. I've been part of the server for almost 2 years now and I want it to thrive.
Redeeming is an free system to gain a loot box and free eCoins, it is not something you must do to get more power or better stats.
You must treat it as it is ;)
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