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New Vote System - Updated

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Emissary of Death
Staff member
Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Starting from 12.07.2015 17:00 the vote system will be deactivated till 12.08.2015 17:00.

On 12.08.2015 17:00 a new voting system will be added to the website.
The new voting system will not require anymore popups enabled and clicking any banner on the vote sites.
The vote sites will validate back to our system every correct vote and rewards will be granted only if the validation occurs.

Every account will be granted 24 hours of premium time due to the downtime of the vote system.
Vote System enabled.

Previous vote instructions are no longer required. Users will only need to click the vote link/image on the redemption website then correctly solve the captcha and vote the server.
All valid votes are validated back from the vote site to our system automatically.
Additional information

In case you have not received your premium and eCoins it means you have voted incorrectly (wrong captcha for example).
Vote System was monitored and shut down for maintenance at 12.09.2015 08:00.

We are working on the fix for the system and we will reply in this thread once the solution was applied.
The bug that allowed multiple votes instantly was fixed.
The vote system needs to be reset to avoid problems with new votes so it will be offline till 12.10.2015 08:00 Server Time.
As compensation for every player who had less than 12 hours of premium remaining we added 24 hours of premium time.

The votes made since 12.08.2015 17:00 Server Time were reset and are now gone from the ranking.
All eCoins and premium hours rewarded from the above votes were also removed.

Users who abused the system, not only they voted over 100-150 times but they even used all the eCoins that they got from the bugged system, will not get their account banned but as for everyone else who voted, their premium hours were removed and the eCoins were deducted as well resulting in some users who will have now a negative value of eCoins.
Till these users vote properly and fill back up their eCoins, they will have negative eCoins meaning they will not be able to use any eCoins related shops.

Additional Information: Over 1600 bugged votes were submitted by the users (including both valid users and abusers).
Vote System was enabled back and should be working correctly now.
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