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New Website Module - Shop

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
The reworked shop module was activated on the website with a few changes, additions and improvements.

From now on All Skill Amp will not be available in the slots only as a craft effect due to the nature of how it was originally planned to work. Multiple slots filled with all skill amp had different (lower) values than sword or magic amp to prevent going over 24% when combining all skill amp with sword or magic. With the upcoming changes to the professional crafting this will make more sense.
More details about the professional craft system will be available later today or tomorrow once the update goes live.
Additionally previously unavailable craft and slot options are now available to be selected in the item customizer.

The overall performance is improved and the shop is more responsive. Previously there were lag spikes when first loading the item, customizing craft and slots but they should be gone now.

The interface of the shop was also modified in some places and the item tooltips now load faster and smoother.

Some of the categories are no longer available since they are moved to the ingame ecoin shop.

New addition to the shop is the My Shop items tab, where you can see all the items you purchased in the shop but not yet claimed them in the game (they are still in the cash inventory).
Here you will be able to refund these items in case you accidentally bought with wrong options or you change your mind and want to buy something else.

You can only refund items bought in this new shop module which are still in the cash inventory and only while not logged in to the game!

Let us know your opinion about this new module and keep an eye on the forums for the announcement of the update with the professional craft system.
I have a question, is it possible to make the old accessories value same as the new web shop module? i mean for example, i tried to craft Def Earring + 7 now the slot value was 50hp , but the previous one is 10hp only, can you make this old items same as the value of the new, because the price of these items is no joke 800+ec not happy to see that 40hp difference , and lastly its not just hp, def hp limit and other values on slots are diff than the old ones, overall the site has good response rate compare to the old one and much more function because of the item recovery/refund, hope to see a good unbind system soon more power keep it up!
I hope a new set of package will come soon :)
I have a question, is it possible to make the old accessories value same as the new web shop module? i mean for example, i tried to craft Def Earring + 7 now the slot value was 50hp , but the previous one is 10hp only, can you make this old items same as the value of the new, because the price of these items is no joke 800+ec not happy to see that 40hp difference , and lastly its not just hp, def hp limit and other values on slots are diff than the old ones, overall the site has good response rate compare to the old one and much more function because of the item recovery/refund, hope to see a good unbind system soon more power keep it up!
It is a visual bug which I will fix now, as for the prices they are exactly the same as on the old webshop.
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