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Not a bug Number of selling lines in Agent Shop

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Jul 18, 2016
I have just found out that all my friends can register up to 13 selling lines in Agent shop meanwhile I can only register up to 5.
It must be related to the Premium service but I still keep voting daily and everything seems fine except the Agent shop.
If there is a solution for this please let me know.
Thanks a lot!
Have you been doing the votes correctly?
If says PENDING in red u did not complete the vote correctly.
Most of my votes have been responded "successfully", except from Extremetop100 because I don't see any respond (it just bring me back to its homepage).
However, as I just check the reward for voting, I think I have trouble with it. It says I will have 15 Vcoin for each vote but I noticed my Vcoin just increase about 4~6 per day. So I think that might be the reward from something else, not the votes.
Can you please show me the proper way to vote successfully?
Thanks a lot!
My account information appears like this:

Created On: 18/Jul/2016 - 16:44
Last Connected On: 31/Jul/2016 - 21:57
Hours Played: 50
eCoins: 0

vCoins: 20

Votes [Overall]: 0
Votes [Current Month]: 0
Premium Service Type: Premium Service - Free
Premium Service Expire Date: 17/Jul/2026 - 20:07
Premium Service Type: Premium Service - Free

By looking at the information, it means that your vote has not been successful or the premium hours has been expired. It should state: "Premium Service - Voter" for you to use the 13 slots in the Auction House.

Premium Service Expire Date: 17/Jul/2026 - 20:0

I know it states that it will expire in 2026 but its just a typography error in the website read it as 2016 (I know because my premium service still ended this year after not voting for quite some time).. This means your Premium Hours ended last July 17 2016 that is why you cannot use the other slots in the auction house.

Just to make sure, voting in the four website gives you 20 hours of Premium Service, meaning it expires after a certain time if you don't keep on voting (Premium hours stack when you vote everyday).
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My thank for you explanation. Now I know that my votes have never been success because 18/Jul/2016 is the first time I connect but the expiration still is 17/Jul/2026 and unchanged.
However, I did and still vote daily and informed successfully as these screenshots:



If the problem doesn't come from my voting steps, what should I do and whom should I contact?
Please let me know.
Best regards!
after vote u nid visit our site
Or u watch my video 0:00 to 2:06
Oh this is great. I haven't voted properly since the beginning.
Thanks a lot!
Just one more thing that it said "If next vote date shows *PENDING* it means you have not voted succesfully. In this case you must click the link again and correctly solve the captcha/vote",
But I have tried a few time with that site and nothing changed.
Just one more thing that it said "If next vote date shows *PENDING* it means you have not voted succesfully. In this case you must click the link again and correctly solve the captcha/vote",
But I have tried a few time with that site and nothing changed.

The website uses color codes to inform you if you are successful in voting:
Green means that "you can vote in this website"
Red means that "you clicked the link but the vote was not successful hence, *PENDING*"
Orange means that "your vote is successful"

Before voting, make sure that the link is either colored Green or Red because if you clicked on an Orange link before the time that you can vote again you might get some problem in getting your votes in.

For links that always shows in Red it means that your vote is not coming through the website, this is pretty common. There are times that some links does not recognize votes. What my friends do is they vote repeatedly until the vote is recognized, if not they wait for a few hours before voting then the vote comes through.

So if your vote shows *PENDING* even though you have successfully voted, try waiting for a few hours then try again. Maybe it will come through. If you are still having problems with voting due to technical issues you can ask Cykros, he is the Administrator of this Server.
Oh thank you, I waited a few hours and did make it to orange. Now I think I understand how this system works.
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