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Gold Member


Create Date: 21-01-2015

(Akatsuki; Literally meaning "Dawn" or "Daybreak")

Guild Master:

Vice Master:
- None yet

- None yet

*This guild is currently inactive.
So the guild is inactive now??
I moved to the guild of Jaybolty for being Commander of his guild, i passed the guild to one of my friends, but suddenly her pc broke so i have to see if i will return the guild again, the server population is to low for me now to make the guild active again, for now it's better to be in the guild of Jay because it has more players than mine currently...
That too bad :(
Don't worry, i just don't feel like enjoying the server if i'm 24/7 in my own guild alone if i can be in the one of Jay with more people.
Maybe some day i'll revive my guild again.
#Changed GuildMaster to NoctisBL & Recruiting Elite/Strongest players of the server only.

Guild is ready to recruit, so our recruitment is open!


  • Guild Members has to be active and have fun in the guild, being polite is a must!
  • Guild Members will have to assist low geared members to make them stronger!

Everyone is welcome in the guild if they want to join!
Players who are loyal will be rewarded ingame with Ranks and Items (Given and Obtained by the GuildMaster)!

PM / Mail Izanami ingame!

#inactive, used for 3 year title & storage.

Only accepting veterans.
If i will solve some problems probably i will join you Max( sry if i mistake i didnt play for a while and i forgot) and if you will help me a bit at beggining will be nice. SkyCrush is my ign ill pm you if you let me your ign :*
If i will solve some problems probably i will join you Max( sry if i mistake i didnt play for a while and i forgot) and if you will help me a bit at beggining will be nice. SkyCrush is my ign ill pm you if you let me your ign :*
I barely play now due my real life. So you gotta bear with that first.

which why i posted ''#Inactive''

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