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New Report Party Buffs


Nov 1, 2021
I dont get party buffs in full Parties. or aoe buffs. something bugged with my characters?
Just ask Buff caster to select you and buff you
when a warrior cast his fury, or when a bl casts his fatality increase, that happens, buff doesnt have a party prio, and when you click someone and cast theese kind of buffs, buff only goes to the selected person instead of all. that is the issue that beast was talking about
when a warrior cast his fury, or when a bl casts his fatality increase, that happens, buff doesnt have a party prio, and when you click someone and cast theese kind of buffs, buff only goes to the selected person instead of all. that is the issue that beast was talking about
yes that is case , but when you are in party in dungeon theres no reason why not all party members will not get it.
we will check them, but range and players amount we will see
Yeah, its supposed to go to entire party if they are in range, and the range is where you can see what buffs a party member has on the overlay on left of screen of party members. instead it only goes to 5 members only instead of all 7.

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