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Problem With Asian Country

lee soon fatt

  • It is me or is the server kinda of lag for SEA Player
  • Getting in the game took me around 5-7 min
  • Any Fix ??
  • Internet Speed 10 Mpbs !
Usually asia countries side will have some sort of delay, it has been this way ever since the server opened up. But the delay isn't really a big deal, still playable. (But sometime it could get really bad, especially during combos)
Internet Speed 10 Mpbs !
It is not just about the mpbs but the distance as well T_T
Just get 2 lan cables and check out the difference at home, 1 cable that's at least 50m long and one
that's like 2 m , even that causes a difference, especially if you roll up the entire 50m cable to a coil which
would make things even worse xD
In other words.. even the most expensive - best internet provider in the world cannot save ur butt from delay caused by distance, which is why WTFast is a simple but good working solution. >:0
*Another stating the obvious*
a lot of people seems to be confused by what exactly wtfast and other programs such as actually do, let me make this clear to you, wtfast only increases ur TCP Package frequencies and ensures a more stable connection but in no does it change the amount of distance you sent ur packages, the only thing that can be done to solve this issue is by placing the server machine in the Asia Region of the world which would mean the rest of the people in the world would face horrible lag so placing the server in europe with a decent machine is your best bet

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