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Professional Craft and Extreme Crafting addition

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Demon Enchanted weapons were added to the Professional / Extreme Crafting system and Destroy System.
Added the Extreme Core Pocket in the Temporary Crafting.

Since the Enchant system is done now the majority of the items that will drop with high Epic and / or slot will be either character bind on equip or account bind depending on the item type. The accessories that do not have Epic or slot will not drop anymore with char bind.

The Enchant Stone Cube craft requirements were changed to the following
  • Gem of Liberation - 3 pieces
  • Upgrade Core (High) - 1 piece
  • Upgrade Core (Medium) - 2 pieces
  • Upgrade Core (Low) - 3 pieces
The wings prices was changed to 2.000 eCoins each to make them more affordable for the players.
The player who bought the [Costume] Chaos Wings has been refunded with the difference.

As a reminder we will repeat where the Items required in the Professional craft are dropping
--Professional Crafting req Item drop place:
  • Mithril - Mutant Forrest
  • Archridium - Pontus Ferrum
  • Demon Ench. - Porta Inferno (active from this update)
  • Limitless - Porta Inferno
  • Zwei Frame - Arcane Trace
  • Eins Frame - Nostalgia Forrest (active from this update)
--Extreme Crafting req Item drop place:
  • Demon Ench. - Steamer Crazy Hard, Panic Cave Hard, Catacomb Frost Hard, Lava Hellfire Hard (active from this update)

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The update is scheduled for 03.March.2017 at 18:00 Server Time
Nice update!

are these will be added at Lv2? and not a new level?
On Level 2 where they belong ;) The plan is to add all the other custom weapons we added in the game and then add the accessories that can be craft with the artifact transmuter.
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