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Professional Enchanter
We decided to rearrange the crafting categories for each Core Alchemic Transmuter in order to make the professional more compact.

This is the new Core Alchemic Transmuter types:
  • Core Alchemic Transmuter(Weapons) / the old Sword Type
    • One Handed Sword
    • Two Handed Sword
    • Orb & Crystal
  • Core Alchemic Transmuter(WA & FS) / The old Armor Type
    • Body Parts (WA)
    • Body Parts (FS)
  • Core Alchemic Transmuter(FB & FA) / The old Battle Type
    • Body Parts (FB)
    • Body Parts (FA)
  • Core Alchemic Transmuter(BL & WI) / The old Martial Type
    • Body Parts (BL)
    • Body Parts (WI)
  • Core Alchemic Transmuter(Artifacts) / Same like before but now it will craft accessories
    • Ring
    • Earring
    • Bracelet
    • Amulet
The Core Alchemic Transmuter(Artifacts) does not have any items in the crafting list for the moment, we will start adding accessories crafting with the next updates.

The required craft materials (Material Cores and Discs) were adjusted according to the craft level.
Fixed some server side bugs related to the result chance of Extreme Professional Crafting.

Fixed the abnormal item drop in AC dungeon.

2017-12-06 12_43_03-Redemption Cabal.png 2017-12-06 12_43_21-Redemption Cabal.png
Update is scheduled for 06-Dec-17 at 13:00 ServerTime
and also those who already craft all type of sword before this, again what will happened to us?
how about those who already craft orb and crystal before, what will happened to us?
Every craft category and subcategory will remain, if for example your are Orb Craft level 4 you will be Ring Craft Level 4.

We will not touch the craft level made until now, so you wont lose your work.
i asked because i got those craft lv 6 on both char, but this update seem to combine both of them.
oh come on orb weapon will be replace with accessories :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Yes, they will remain grouped like this so you players wont have to craft so many types in the future, you will be either weapons, body parts or artifacts ;)
i craft orb, crystal, katana, blade, daikatana, greatsword all lv 6 max... if combine them into one, i want to ask how to combine both character craft's level into one, and from this update, katana, blade also combine into 1 type 1 hand sword, daikatana, greatsword into 2 hand sword. Will i get return lighting from this update?
Yes, they will remain grouped like this so you players wont have to craft so many types in the future, you will be either weapons, body parts or artifacts ;)
so we need to start again from level 1 on orb? we got max orb already on accessories it will be hard to start again on what transmuter we choose, or does the orb will be the same level also as the sword
Until now the crafting was very easy because of the very high craft rates, and it was announced that ti will be reduced to normal in December and we will have an update like this, consider what it was until now a beta.
Starting from this update the craft categories will remain like this forever.
The only thing that might change is that in the Body Parts crafting we might add 2 more subcategories to each (Epaulets and Belts)
Until now the crafting was very easy because of the very high craft rates, and it was announced that ti will be reduced to normal in December and we will have an update like this, consider what it was until now a beta.
Starting from this update the craft categories will remain like this forever.
The only thing that might change is that in the Body Parts crafting we might add 2 more subcategories to each (Epaulets and Belts)
im an orb/crytal crafter before the update and and unfortunately i haven't level up my crafting skills...
and now im a accessories crafter... my problem is i cant craft anything so the i cant benefit the craft boost...Y_Y
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