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PTS (Public Test Server)


Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
Hey everyone,

I'm thrilled to share a fantastic idea proposed by Ergo to help us steer clear of those pesky issues in the future. Moving forward, we've decided to take a proactive approach to resolving potential glitches before they reach the live server.

Starting with our upcoming updates, we'll be opening a test server to the public. Here's how it works:

1. Announcement on the Forums: We'll inform you about the upcoming update on the forums, detailing all the changes we've made.

2. Test Server Access: Before releasing the update, we'll open a public test server for a few days. You can log in using your accounts from an older backup.

3. 1 Million Ecoins and In-Game Stores: To encourage thorough testing, each account on the test server will be credited with 1 million ecoins. We'll also set up in-game stores with various items for you to explore and test different scenarios.

4. Bug Reporting: We encourage you to actively participate by playing around on the test server and reporting any bugs you encounter in a dedicated forum post. Your input is crucial!

5. Rewards: As a token of appreciation for your efforts, we'll reward those who identify and report bugs. These rewards will be distributed on the live server once testing and fixing are complete.

We believe this approach will not only make our updates smoother but also involve our community in the process. Your feedback is invaluable, and together, we can ensure a more seamless gaming experience.

What are your thoughts on this new testing initiative? Let us know in the comments!

Best regards,
I believe it's a great initiative, indeed giving some test phase beforehand can make a huge difference in the release experience. I am keen on supporting this.

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