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Suggestion Pve Merit farming and Dp merit shop ?


Gold Member
Professional Enchanter
Aug 24, 2021
Well i got my Merit pasives on Pve but there is a problem : the fastest way to gain merit is either pvp war or using money to max it out.

I would rather love to grind it up in the dungeons but the medal of honur that is dropable in dungeons is more rare than the special rings tbh.

How about that we maybe in addition to the rare medal of honur drop we introduce Merit mastery exchange ticket drops in dungeons.
in combination with an npc that sells the sealed medals for dungeon points.

to me it feels like that the pvp merit users are way more privileged than the pve merit users for progressing their merit.
me for example i Realy REALY dislike the pvp in this game for multiple reasons. wich is why i choose the pve merit.
but now i feel forced to participate in the pvp part of the game in order to progress faster on my merit passives.
it would be lovely to have a system in place for thoose who are more interessted in the pve content of the game that is not random rng praying.
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