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Dont even think about it.
May 12, 2015
Well we have 3 bracket system in our game. so i suggest lets have an event like PVP EVENT. consisting of 3 brackets. the 140-159, 160-179 and 180-200 brackets.

Join any bracket your level belong. and of course a lovely price. XD
I think that the reason why the admins added the lower bracket for nation war is to avoid "newbie-stomping" from the old players. Considering the few number of players on the lower brackets, the PVP event will just be one sided since old players have made lower bracket. It would always be in their favor. That is why we always make sure that the event we would make would be fair and square to every player in the server. EX: Kill the GM, Scrabble, Hide and Seek, Q and A.

The current focus of the server is to create space for the new comers. There may be a possible PVP event in the future but as of now, I don't think we will host any.
I think that the reason why the admins added the lower bracket for nation war is to avoid "newbie-stomping" from the old players. Considering the few number of players on the lower brackets, the PVP event will just be one sided since old players have made lower bracket. It would always be in their favor. That is why we always make sure that the event we would make would be fair and square to every player in the server. EX: Kill the GM, Scrabble, Hide and Seek, Q and A.

The current focus of the server is to create space for the new comers. There may be a possible PVP event in the future but as of now, I don't think we will host any.

grabe sya ahahahhahaha
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