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Professional Enchanter
Dec 2, 2014
I like the part with that bm2 attack slider tho it's still in beta, i noticed tho that when i last logged on a BL on the part of my UI where i left the slider i.e. above the system message box when the inventory is open on my another char on another acc that part where i positioned the slider is somehow inaccessible and can't move an item there.
Also i noticed after those bunch of visual updates my fps dropped from 40-60 (70-90 when no one is around) down to 30-35 and when i join/log in like select channel it eats up disk usage and freezes for a couple of seconds (roughly 10-20 secs maybe). Something is indeed eating disk & cpu usages at some point maybe the slider interface can't it be like simple that on the other server, i know ours have more selection/style but would prefer it smooth that lotsa choices and also maybe that things with npc quests icon it's not really important maybe that also contributes to the heavy cpu/disk usage.
You are indeed one of those players who has unstable windows 7.
Your client seems cant handle the bm2 attack modifier

Please scan your client to restore ur config.dll file..
Hmm well it says here i got win10 installed tho, what might be the prob? same? my machine can't handle it or something? or i need to tweak something?
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