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Refused Redeem System RIP

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Yukina Sasaki

Aug 23, 2016
Tokyo Japan
As the recent update takes place i notice different kinds of nonsense, 1st of all "N" shop now items here takes the label of "account bind" if you noticed the new redeem system with very few "e-coins" it gives plus how expensive it is there is no point of redeeming now specially for those newbies who depend on redeeming and selling their e-coins in exchange for alz or what so ever items they need in return, this UPDATE destroys newbies! also items now on "e-coins" shop became too much expensive given the fact that the "e-coins" it gives in redeem system is very low, if you want to POPULATE your server better look at the view of newbies rather that the ones who are rich and old ones, please rethink this. I was here when OGN takes its very low times where we have no more players online then now comes the time where we populate again I'm happy about it seeing the server i loved being lively again, but here comes this weird update. It dissapoints many including me but still im hoping you see this tread as a constructive one because i somewhat represent the players who cant argue or cant express their feelings, I HOPE you think again and i wish this is not final , better care about the ones who are NEW, OLDS will stay, but the NEW ones? I dont think so ...
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Yukina Sasaki got the point, from my point of view not only redeem rewards are not worth the redeem cost, even exp is just meh...20 min of sellenia grinding and only 1 lv and a half(full geared)..and also that eC shop items account bound..I think it's not a clever move for donations :worried:
This update had a different purpose, they didn't want every bit of EXP coming from that boss ''Arcane Golem of Rage'' only, so they decided to do it this way, the exp should be more spread out now and the eCoins are reduced to a point that everyone obtain the same amount in a balanced way, the loot boxes can have more updates maybe in the future so actually this update should help new players with the starter set that's why i do not agree the 100%.

And making it sound like me or the staff team do not care about the players is even more the worst, we worked hard for this.
If we didn't care at all we wouldn't make it this far.

I'm not in charge to change things, but i can let the admins know that some of you might be disappointed, but that's it.
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