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Regarding about old accounts

All accounts have been wiped yes, so create an new account and you'll be able to have an free bonus of 2k ecoins when you reclaim it. :p
Thanks! does this apply to titan cabal as well or just redemption?
sorry but can you tell me a few differences between redemption and titan
Redemption is pay 2 win as you can donate for all items you want some may have been removed now
but it's still pay 2 win.
Titans is more a like officials and doesn't have any item in the eshop you can pay for only cosmetic and pets.

So basically Redemp = pay 2 win.
Titans = play 2 win.

Also i suggest you to check out the updates at the ''news'' section.
You can get BM3 through voting ( buying it with Vcoins) but if want stage 2 and 3 you will need to do quests ;)
Okay Thanks. Just one more thing. Do we have to do the default quest for BM3?
No BM3 can be obtained by earning Vcoins from voting on the website.
BM3 is located in BI town at the BM3 Stuff machine.

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