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Rumors about the new server files!


Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
Dear Cabal World Community,

Greetings to all our dedicated players! We hope this message finds you well. It has come to our attention that there are rumors circulating about the alleged leak of the ep31 files. While we have not yet obtained these files, we feel it's essential to address the concerns that may arise.

First and foremost, we want to reassure you that in the event we acquire the ep31 files, we have no intentions of opening a new server. Instead, we are committed to maintaining the continuity of our existing server. All your hard-earned progress and achievements will be seamlessly transferred to the updated version of the game.

Rest assured, our team is diligently working towards obtaining the files, and until then, we remain focused on enhancing your gaming experience and addressing any existing issues. Your loyalty and trust in Cabal World are invaluable to us, and we sincerely appreciate your ongoing support.

We understand the anticipation and excitement surrounding the potential update, and we promise to keep you informed of any developments. In the meantime, we encourage you to continue enjoying the current version of the game, as there are exciting plans in the pipeline to elevate your gaming adventure.

Once again, we express our deepest gratitude for staying with us throughout this journey. Your dedication fuels our passion for creating an outstanding gaming environment. Together, we look forward to exploring the possibilities that the future holds for Cabal World.

Thank you for your understanding, and may your adventures in Cabal World be filled with joy and excitement!

Best regards,

Cabal World Team

Official Partner

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