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Fixed Santa Event...

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First of all thx for the new Christmas event provided by our Admins.
But...Santa hp is way to big and also dmg given is outrageous since it takes me (full chaos player) about 20 mins to kill 1 and the drops i got so far and my guildmates also are just craps (hp pots , mp pots , sp pots , santas and christmas trees) also is imposible for a newbie member to kill it solo and also drop looting is given to the one who creates the biggest dmg upon Santa so again unfair for the newbye members...
We loved the Lantern Event that was OP good drops also lantern was easy to kill but the latest event is... meh
Also lantern event had a cool drop table listed where we can see the drops wich helped alot.
Couldn't you guys come up with better ideas as in drop? And also didn't you saw that the mob is to OP?
Next time don't wonder why OGN population is decreasing...
Don't get me wrong... im raging cuz i love this server and want it to rise and become one of the best not cuz i want some atention or to qq...
like crazy said thanks for provide us this, we were waiting for it.
but should be an event that everyone can enjoy, not only high end players like we seeing now.. think aint easy for new players kill this santa cuz its op as hell for them + will take around hours maybe.
from what i know the preperation used between this and the lantern event is way less, the admins have put a lot of work into making the client functional without crashes and hence why this event may not seem as well put together than some of the others, but again thats simply to let u know that we have our limits, but that doesn't change the fact that this is still feedback and we will ofcourse listen to you. most likely nothing will change for this event that totally depends on wether the admins think its drastically needed to change anything and if they even have time to do so.

tbh what i'd like to have seen personally is that santa remains the same hp but with different drops and have the loot set to free loot, but then again high end players would then most likely complain that newbies can steal their loot, hopefully u see where im going with this, there is a reason why we set the loot the way we did and thats because u the players have requested this is how we do it so we can prevent new players from stealing ur loot and now you want it the other way around :)

and uhh yeah u may be raging for the right reasons but aggressive attitude on the feedback topic wont make us listen any more to u than we already do so think about the way your coming off when u make feedback.
The thing i most want it that this event be for all of us because i am at one point that i realy don't need anything more im giving this feedback cuz i care about our server and if admins don't realize this well is pretty bad...
as a new player totally agree mostly santa events are for all players even 1st day players,offcourse highend players should be able to kill faster , but thats why they get the better drops killing too many , also if i may say 11 spots in bi for 3 channels thats 33 santa's at a time , if you have 50 ppl online wanting to participate , thats not gonna happed cause of endgame players getting the most of them in no time (assuming hp will be lowered)
Hey everyone, even if i am not able to enter in game to experience myself this "cool" event, I can still tell you this: IS CHRISTMAS!!! And as Cykros said on the event post, he will be back on 28th(I hope) Is holidays, the admins are enjoying aswell this, with family/friends etc ... Please don't post here unfounded affirmations, I know is frustrating to w8 and see that nothing is changing, but please be patient. :) Cykros Ergo lets see what they have to say if possible :D
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Hey everyone, even if i am not able to enter in game to experience myself this "cool" event, I can still tell you this: IS CHRISTMAS!!! And as Cykros said on the event post, he will be back on 28th(I hope) Is holidays, the admins are enjoying aswell this, with family/friends etc ... Please don't post here unfounded affirmations, I know is frustrating to w8 and see that nothing is changing, but please be patient. :) Cykros Ergo lets see what they have to say if possible :D
We need events for all not just for OP players some things must change or else the sv will go down... wanna see how a super cool christmas event looks? check other sv's and see how they prepared for this... is a constant strungle against other private sv's if were gonna come up with some lame christmas event ppl will leave they always go for better not for worse. !
We need events for all not just for OP players some things must change or else the sv will go down... wanna see how a super cool christmas event looks? check other sv's and see how they prepared for this... is a constant strungle against other private sv's if were gonna come up with some lame christmas event ppl will leave they always go for better not for worse. !
im sure if people want to go to other servers only for events they can do so no one is stopping them, i have told u this time and time again that the admins did not have time to prepare this event as well as many others like the halloween event due to the fact that we put out client stability as number 1 priority removing the bloody ice theme and working on all the weapon/armor textures takes time and i believe that everyone would appriciate a non crashing client, plz correct me if im wrong. if u wanna switch to a server because it has a better and more well prepared than a single xmas event we host no one here is telling u to stay here. there is no point in expressing the same negativity towards our events and general management over and over and over again, let the admins enjoy their holiday for crying outloud i think u'll survive a couple of days with this event if u really wanted to. we have heard u, u want better events or atleast have them be prepared better i agree and i think we all know that we coulda done better but that wont change the fact that time is not on our side, unless ur willing to lend us some hours of ur 24 hour day(too bad it doesn't work that way)
im sure if people want to go to other servers only for events they can do so no one is stopping them, i have told u this time and time again that the admins did not have time to prepare this event as well as many others like the halloween event due to the fact that we put out client stability as number 1 priority removing the bloody ice theme and working on all the weapon/armor textures takes time and i believe that everyone would appriciate a non crashing client, plz correct me if im wrong. if u wanna switch to a server because it has a better and more well prepared than a single xmas event we host no one here is telling u to stay here. there is no point in expressing the same negativity towards our events and general management over and over and over again, let the admins enjoy their holiday for crying outloud i think u'll survive a couple of days with this event if u really wanted to. we have heard u, u want better events or atleast have them be prepared better i agree and i think we all know that we coulda done better but that wont change the fact that time is not on our side, unless ur willing to lend us some hours of ur 24 hour day(too bad it doesn't work that way)
As i said Dehn im not complaining about me I created this thread for the noobs crying in bi cuz they can't farm santa so again... is not about me lol ! and yeah btw i already offered my time for the comunity but my staff aplication is still pending so...
i already offered my time for the comunity but my staff aplication is still pending so...
not in that way man if when it comes to client stability none of us can help the admins we cant even give them the time we dont need if u get what i mean.

im sure if the newbies h8 it so badly they will come here and post themselves u dont have to do it for them, secondly u can tell them if they do ask we did what time permitted us to do, u know we worked on the client and if u wish to share their concern with us on the forum plz do share our concern with them ingame telling them the reason why this event may not be perfect.
That Santa so funny.. I kill the Santa near bi town other player just come for the looted I got nothing haha
sorry to point this out , but dehn i am a newbie and i came here and didn't want to be such an ass making a new thread for something that is being discussed already , so i replied and i am waiting ,now colors reply i respect , yours not so much
sorry for that but you do know that mob attributes isn't really that hard to figure out ? i can accept the idea that not so much time available , comes with bad event hell may be even bad drop list , but hp and mp pots and the huge hp points, that i don't get even if staff just added the mob from some other server files it won't have that much hp and it won't have hp pots in drop list so if staff had time to edit it, staff didn't use that time well
again i repeat i can wait for admins to come back from their holidays they do deserve breaks as do we deserve compensation when they are back
and dehn i beg your pardon but you should review your strategy approaching and solving server problems , i mean you never tell players to go to other servers whatever your point is , cause believe it or not some including me will take that as thats what you get accept it or get the hell out and play another server and thats not cool for this server , when you start losing players another server gains players and if you have the best custom items and highest availability servers its community that builds mmorpg nothing else
sorry to point this out , but dehn i am a newbie and i came here and didn't want to be such an ass making a new thread for something that is being discussed already , so i replied and i am waiting ,now colors reply i respect , yours not so much
sorry for that but you do know that mob attributes isn't really that hard to figure out ? i can accept the idea that not so much time available , comes with bad event hell may be even bad drop list , but hp and mp pots and the huge hp points, that i don't get even if staff just added the mob from some other server files it won't have that much hp and it won't have hp pots in drop list so if staff had time to edit it, staff didn't use that time well
again i repeat i can wait for admins to come back from their holidays they do deserve breaks as do we deserve compensation when they are back
and dehn i beg your pardon but you should review your strategy approaching and solving server problems , i mean you never tell players to go to other servers whatever your point is , cause believe it or not some including me will take that as thats what you get accept it or get the hell out and play another server and thats not cool for this server , when you start losing players another server gains players and if you have the best custom items and highest availability servers its community that builds mmorpg nothing else
my point of the post is to point out that we literally had no time to preperate the event, meaning we had no time to test it properly before it was released, assuming ur new im not sure if ur aware of the hectic issues we have with our client, me for one crash once every 5 minutes or so which makes me unable to do my job as a GM on this server and as pointed out we take our client stability as number one over a seasonal event simply because its better in the long run for players to be playing on a client that isn't constantly crashing interrupting their farming period or w/e they may be doing.

i respect you opinion towards my approach and i can see what you mean, that wont change that i myself have had a hectic time personally so its hard for me to not always be wrapping my opinion in w/e pleasant tone that u may expect. personally i'd much rather spent the time with my family than hearing people being negative around christmas bcuz of a seasonal event that quite frankly will happen again sometime, it wont change the fact that we wont listen to any of you because as much as i may sound like i dont care about u or the event i agree with you, this event is definetly not the best we have made, and my only excuse for this is that the admins have been very very very busy with the client and now they are taking their hiatus celebrating the holidays with their loved ones.

humans are incapable of perfection that goes for me the admins and everyone else. so cut us some slack atleast this time since u know and i have told everyone of u that time was a huge factor in this event we'll hopefully have everything ready for next time an event pops up

and to those who felt offended that i said that we werent holding u back from switching server cuz of seasonal event. Im sorry thats how i personally feel towards people who switches server cuz of 1 single event instead of the server in general but non-theless it was wrong.
i love to interact with the community and hopefully as long as things doesn't go south i will try to keep in contact no matter how busy i may seem.
that was really the perfect answer , thank you for being kind
again i don't mind the event i am in fact looking for a better server on the long run , but was pointing to what was wrong so it may be fixed later .
happy holidays and thank you for respecting my opinion and sorry if it sounded harsh but your reply put things in order again and really showed you are a kind and respectful person
dehn it's funny that you just say "if ppl wanna leave no1 will stop them" i don't think you and the whole server are in a position to say that, cuz with this kind of population atm, every player who stays is neccessary. ;);)
dehn it's funny that you just say "if ppl wanna leave no1 will stop them" i don't think you and the whole server are in a position to say that, cuz with this kind of population atm, every player who stays is neccessary. ;);)
i am by no means saying they should leave, i am saying that people has the freedom to do what they want if they dont like the server because of an event and choose a different one thats their choice, im not gonna stand in game nor in the forum begging them to stay against their will.

and this post was not made so u could argue with me in public stay on-topic to the original post and give feedback if u have any.
We are going to reduce the Santa's HP and tell you all only this.
We will not reveal the full drop list as this is a Christmas event but if you want to find out farm the hell of this Santa's.
He can drop cores, bikes, even elements (basic, unique, rare).
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