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Should we remove the old and unused items?

Remove the beginning sets?

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Professional Enchanter
Once again we need you all to vote for this action to be taken.
We want to remove the next items from the game so we create more space for future sets to be added.
1. Training & Armor Set
2. Reinforced Set
3. Iron Set

We want to do it since no one is using and will ever use this sets ever in this server.
So what do you all think?

You all have 5 days to vote!
Item Appearance on the rest of the Sets will still be available, right? Although we can never use the ones that will be removed as our items or appearance change(since all of the newly created characters are in lvl 190 already), you may add them as costume items if you like, since some of the players liked them as how they appear :victory:
I think it will be bad to remove all those items.
My opinion on the matter will be to start at lvl1 and work hard to get those things, in my eyes its not the same fun to see your progress as the game changes, the lvl190 starter armor(whice you currently useing) is too much.
I think the game should be more exicting as your char grow stronger every several lvl's, not just to start as lvl 190 with cr lvl 19 and battel aura, bm1.2.3 and all the skills.
I think people will get bored faster to play that way, since there will be no affort to get better equipment.

Just my opinion on the subject..... i hope you will consider it but if many other players like it that way it doesnt matter, i just thinked to say what i think.
Mr. BackFox, have you tried playing here in our server when it was still on "The New Beginning" ?? The edition in which all characters are in Lvl60 at start? In case that you did, Would you think that starting in Lvl1 will be better Or you want that starting level to be back??? I think I would like to slightly agree with you, when it comes to character creation, but not to start at lvl1. It's fulfilling to get a redeem when you start from the lowest possible level(in my case, I started playing when we were creating characters with starting lvl of lvl60, then it becomes lvl69 then the latest update, starting lvl is 190) Good suggestion anyway :)
Anyway, Redemption differs concept. This is Redeem-based server, not leveling based, but I agree with you.
The thing is, once you redeem, you're level will always remain 190+ actually it's not that bad...
I didnt mean that every redeem your lvl will be lowered to lvl 1, but i think that start with nothing and working hard is more reawarding.
The new cabal users allways want to start with everything and have easy playing but it will get boreing fast.
I suggested that whan a player start he will start from scratch and work his way up, all the time there will be guilds,people that will help and will help the players grow and thay will start to understand the game.
Whan you start at lvl 190 with everything most people dont do quests(my opinion), so all the player concentrates is to reddem and fast lvling, And the game have much more the offer.
My suggestion is like this:
Start with nothing at lvl 1 and work yourself up after you redeem i say the player will start again from lvl 80(whice i think is a fine lvl to start again after redeem)
Mr. BackFox, have you tried playing here in our server when it was still on "The New Beginning" ??
And for your question angela, no i didnt play "The new beginning".
But i have played other servers with similar functions.
I didnt mean that every redeem your lvl will be lowered to lvl 1, but i think that start with nothing and working hard is more reawarding.
The new cabal users allways want to start with everything and have easy playing but it will get boreing fast.
I suggested that whan a player start he will start from scratch and work his way up, all the time there will be guilds,people that will help and will help the players grow and thay will start to understand the game.
Whan you start at lvl 190 with everything most people dont do quests(my opinion), so all the player concentrates is to reddem and fast lvling, And the game have much more the offer.
My suggestion is like this:
Start with nothing at lvl 1 and work yourself up after you redeem i say the player will start again from lvl 80(whice i think is a fine lvl to start again after redeem)

And for your question angela, no i didnt play "The new beginning".
But i have played other server with similar faunctions.
Problem with your suggestion aswell is, if it turns out like that, people will stop playing aswell because they got ''nothing'' most people are joining the private servers because they're bored of officials... so OGN has to be unique and have their own features, i understood what you mean with the level 190 thing because more server are having this and OGN will look like those server a lot aswell... But i think there is an another solution for this then just start as ''nothing'' because for now, we don't have a high populated server, so there are to less people that currently are able to help you out...
Your right, i just was used to low rates servers whice i liked to play.
But as you say people go to P.servers because it will be easyer (just as me xD )
I think now isnt the time for this, i will try to think of something else.
Your right, i just was used to low rates servers whice i liked to play.
But as you say people go to P.servers because it will be easyer (just as me xD )
I think now isnt the time for this, i will try to think of something else.
I'm not saying your suggestion is bad or anything, it's a nice one and i respect your ideas, but i think personally that it would be better to wait for it a little, i hope for now this update will attract some people to the server, and when it's more populated they could always still make some changes :)
This wont be implemented very soon as for now we dont need the free space that will come after we remove this items.
There are a lot of changes to be done so we wont hurry up with this as we have more to do.
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