A sistem that will auto invite player(if they send a mail to a certain name),those player will be teleprted on a map (i was thinking at ca map)2 sides (2team) and there should be pvp and pve event.
-i was thinking at pvp(full pt or maybe 10vs10 or maybe more 20vs 20.) and who was going to get more kills in 10min or who is going to survive will win.
-the pve event same think in ca arena they have to farm mobs (who farm more mobs will win but aswell if u kill an evenmy u will get points)
-i was thinking at pvp(full pt or maybe 10vs10 or maybe more 20vs 20.) and who was going to get more kills in 10min or who is going to survive will win.
-the pve event same think in ca arena they have to farm mobs (who farm more mobs will win but aswell if u kill an evenmy u will get points)