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Inapplicable Summer Event Feedback/Suggestion


Professional Enchanter
Mar 10, 2022
There are too little spots to farm. Only 24 players are able to farm at the same time. Please open another 6-8 more spots to farm per channel, or open another 1-2 more channels.

The exchange rate of 20 silver to 1 gold is pretty steep. If you farm the entireday on maps, it is only around 500 gold. I understand that going dungeons have better drops compared to maps but the difference is quite big.

As you know, there are handful of players that have work and unable to farm manually, and during these events, we are grateful that there is a way to farm autonomously. However, if you calculate leaving your PC overnight and only gaining 500 gold to open 4 Shane boxes, it is quite demoralising.

Moreover, some players "share" the spots, the player with lower damage is forced out of the spot. This will not instill a competitive mindset, but more of a grudge of players of other players.

Please review the exchange rate of the medals, and the spots for farming. I believe that I am not the only one that feels this way. But I am still thankful for this event. Thank you!
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There are too little spots to farm. Only 24 players are able to farm at the same time. Please open another 6-8 more spots to farm per channel, or open another 1-2 more channels.
Event is made to be farmed in dungeons not on maps, lions are there as alternative way so you can farm it afk.
The exchange rate of 20 silver to 1 gold is pretty steep. If you farm the entireday on maps, it is only around 500 gold. I understand that going dungeons have better drops compared to maps but the difference is quite big.
As dungeons are main way to farm event ,they drop directly Gold medals, PS: exchange rate is same for over 5 years.
As you know, there are handful of players that have work and unable to farm manually, and during these events, we are grateful that there is a way to farm autonomously. However, if you calculate leaving your PC overnight and only gaining 500 gold to open 4 Shane boxes, it is quite demoralising.
AFK farming is what server offers you , ammount that you farm depends on you , DO NOT FORGET THAT MACRO IS ALLOWED, BUT YOU MUST BE ONLINE, so if you are completely afk and use macro it is bannable.
When you are active (when it is not night) you can farm way more gopld medals than that, and dont expect that we will give you event items from Yul shop for yours AFK time spent in game.
Moreover, some players "share" the spots, the player with lower damage is forced out of the spot. This will not instill a competitive mindset, but more of a grudge of players of other players.
Read again 1st replay , event should be farmable in dungeons , if they come 10 ppl in one spot its their problem.
Please review the exchange rate of the medals, and the spots for farming. I believe that I am not the only one that feels this way. But I am still thankful for this event. Thank you!
We did reviewed and tested all drop rates , exchange rates,npc shop item prices , tradable and binded status of items , litterally everything.

Yours feedback here is based on yours play in game that is not even close to what event offer to you,
drop ammount of medals is way more higher than what you are saying here , (if you where unable to farm more , that means you didnt do it propely or on best way that it can be farmed.
As you know, there are handful of players that have work and unable to farm manually, and during these events, we are grateful that there is a way to farm autonomously. However, if you calculate leaving your PC overnight and only gaining 500 gold to open 4 Shane boxes, it is quite demoralising.
I must admit that i would be embarrassed to ask from Game host to give me one of the best item in game for my AFK time spent in game.

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