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The Evil
Apr 19, 2016
Yo Admin's and Gm's . You all mess this up real bad . First you kill the cdi player , after you force all player go amp then this update release , well I know now you desprate to populate again this server , lemme tell you how . First you need bring back the update like before this , 20 cdi back . If you want decrease cdi I suggest decrease amp . Why ? This will make people could go various kind of build . To make it better , make new type which is got def and att option . With this you can make people grinding thier minds on which build they going , not all have same build and " yo lets see who got more luck to crit xD " . Example of an update you should make . Reduce amp too , to increase pvp and war quality . I like the idea you make now mean all gears not much diff , PALLADIUM IS END GEAR and thats it . If you like sellenia then go sellenia if you like relic one go relic one . But no diff , thats good . Its make this server more playable .

Second , remove all potion of honour drop and increase wexp gain . Win 750 lose 350 . Why ? This will force all player to go war , not only sit farming poh at arcane trace . To make it better make all player reset to hr15 or anything so old player will go for war too . Or think something that force every one to go war like cubes etc , for honor like I said .

Third , make daily quest at ca6 . Example , kill 7 nola ispita(ca6 one) , kill tyrant , kill dark archer , mean 6 quest at b3f to ca6 . The purpose of daily quest is to make new player easy to get chaos parts . So new player can solo ca6 and farm day by day alone depending on thier free time , not depend on high gear player to baby sit you for daily quest every day . Old people could farm basic by redeem easily . Why not make daily advantage for newbies ? The main purpose to make this server playable right ?

Forth , gm player is a joke . Its mean gm is the strongest , all you do is just scout strongest player build atm . Make them a GA not a GM and hire a real GM . So we player can have our own secret build , not after succeed create good build 2 weeks later got clone .

For feedback , I like the idea the change off limitless archdimium etc , this make new player still can stand agains max gear people even they die but hey atleast they can do dmg and feel good , encourage them to improve rather than they just do ridiculous dmg to max gear while max gear like 3 hit them . For craft , I think its better you reduce cdi to 10 only and amp to 5 to increase pvp quality and add att and def option to make it better. Also reduce mobs defense to sync with chaos option . Not forget about bikes , 70 rsa its a joke you know ? Like I say nerve op items make this server normal like , but highrate , means easy to farm , various build , thats better . People always like to play official . But the drop rate is joke , so make thier dreams come true .

Thanks for read this damn long entry , I'm sorry if have grammer mistake . Just read it and think about it . You guys mess this up real far . Player start leave the door one by one. So make an action .
I stopped reading your post here "First you need bring back the update like before this , 20 cdi back"
Now let me tell you why, you are talking from the point of view of an players who loved having OP values on his character.
You and some others have to get used to the idea that changes will occur, some you may like and some you may not but without changes there is not way to find out the correct path to making this server more pleasant.
And if you have suggestions regarding this mater please use this thread to do it. http://forum.olympusgn.com/threads/prepare-for-major-gameplay-changes.3076/
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