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Refused Unbind Chaos Gear?!?!

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Ran 6 ac's yesterday and got 5 perfect drops and cant use a single one of them. They are useless to me, and if we are able to unbind we can give/sell to people who do need them.
Well in this post u can find the answer why it wont be implented !!
6 ac's - 5 perfect items and thats just for you. So the market would be flooded with chaos gear and the game would die !
I could imagine adding a unbind option for Chaos with a low success chance(that CANT be increased with cash) and to cost like 10-15 unique elements!
Just my opinion ;)
Well if they add it they can make the unbind cost unique elements but I wouldn't go as far as making success rate low, I would make the success rate the same as it is now, but instead of just arcane unbind stones you would also need 5 or 10 unique elements which would help balance it
This wouldn't be a bad idea but it will flood the market unless they highly decrease drop rate of perfect's.
Also this idea be great idea to a low rate server. But seeing that we don t have low rate server is pretty pointless.
But I would def +1 if they decrese the drop rate of perfects and make em unbindable to trade but the price would be extremely high witch is ohkay. But what if u considerd make non perfects unbindable leaving the perfects alone.
The only thing with them making only the non perfect drops unfindable is that no one would buy non perfect gear, if they do implement it i would expect lower drop rate for the perfect craft and would also cost unique elements to unbind
The Chaos items are account bound by property, the only way to get them is farm or craft.
That's it!
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