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Update 06-May-2018

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Professional Enchanter
In this update we are bringing a bunch of changes and some new items

6 new pets added
  • Bloody Bat
  • Shade
  • Lich Sage Rigel
  • Pluma
  • Demonic Jason
  • Ghost Lady
  • Insucubus
  • MA-04 Armun Ater
Bloody.png Demonic.png Ghost Lady.png Insucubus.png Lich.png MA4.png Pluma.png Shade.png

7 new Pet change Kits added to webshop
  • Pet Change Kit-Kangaroo
  • Pet Change Kit-Bloody Bat
  • Pet Change Kit-Shade
  • Pet Change Kit-Lich Sage Rigel
  • Pet Change Kit-Pluma
  • Pet Change Kit-Demonic Jason
  • Pet Change Kit-Ghost Lady
  • Pet Change Kit-Insucubus
  • Pet Change Kit-MA-04 Armun Ater
Pet slot values randomizer was improved. You will now have the chance to obtain beside the standard values boosted values x2.
Removed the Skill EXP UP and 2Slot Drop Rate UP options from Pet Slot Randomizer.

Chaos Belts changes
You can find now the Chaos Belts +4 at Eva (War Scavenger) NPC from Bloody Ice also.
Destroying Chaos Belts +3 will provide between 2 and 6 Belt Cores.​

EVA UPdate.png

New Ring and Amulet
Name: Fusion Ring
This Ring can be forged after you destroyed your Tempus' Ring and Awakened Leth Tyrant's Ring.
The formular to craft the item can be bought with 10.000 WEXP from Bloody Ice NPC
Like the Tempus Ring and Awakened Leth Tyrant's Ring this ring is also Character Bound.
Materials Needed to craft the ring:
  • Destroyed Tempus' Ring x 1
  • Destroyed Awakened Tyrant's Ring x 1
  • Chaos Core x 1500
  • Lightning Elements x 100
Destroy TR.png Destroy ATR.png Destroy result1.png destroy result2.png Fusion Ring Formular.png

Name: Amulet of Resist +6
You can obtain it by crafting it or by a lucky drop in Abandoned City Legendary BOX or from EVA NPC in Bloody Ice
The formular can be purchased with WEXP (Bloody Ice NPC) or DP (Port Lux NPC)
Amulets of Resist will not be sold on the website shop anymore.
AOR+1 OLD.png WEXPShopAORFormulars.png DPShopwith AORFormulars.png
Amulet of Resist +6.png
Dungeon Point System
Maximum DP points is now 1000
Expiration time for the DP points increased to 10 days.
Essence Rune of Defense
Increased the maximum level for Essence Rune of Defense and adjusted the values.
Floating Rates Bonus
The Bonus % for Experience was doubled.
This means that for every 10 players online the EXP rates will receive a boost of 10% instead of 5%.
Redemption Website
Enabled the following items to be used in Enchant System:
  • Chaos Guardian Belt +4
  • Chaos Fighter Belt +4
  • Chaos Sage Belt +4
  • Amulet of Resist +6
Increased the drop chance of Sealed Mergaheph's ring to 10% (Previous value was 2,6%).
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Update scheduled for 06-may-2018 13:40 Server Time.
hope craft items like element s easy to achieve... earth and water isa hard to find.. u need to do daily quest and go to war to obtain those element.. in wexp 240 for 5 pcs of water element is so expensive gm.. in war we only get 200 or less than wexp.. hope wexp in war will be double.. Thanks and have a good day....
Some of the pets, may cause the game to force close ( if in their slots are the removed options mentioned above ).
A hotfix will be released shortly, no worries ;)
love the update but now there's too much force close happening T_T
and also when changing characters 3x happened now
Possible is equip fusion ring and tempus/awk ring together? I mean, 1x fusion ring and 1x tempus ring in equip.
you have only 1 quest for merga ring, and if you have fusion ring no more tempus ring or leth that you can have
Sealed Mergaheph's ring drop rate was increased. Initial post updated.
I worry about FT3's unique ring(need awakened leth tyrant ring to craft in official server )...
I hope fusion ring better than "temps ring + FT3's unique ring"(If it comes)
theres already 50% donation event active.
please read the full notes next time :)
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