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Update 09.04.2015 - New Redeem Rank and Rewards

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Starting of today there were added 8 new redeem Ranks so now the maximum will be 20 ( 200 redeems)
Also we changed a bit the rewards too, so now it will be more interesting.(some items that are dropping in game like upgrade cores and slot extenders were removed)
Here are some of them:

Also we added the entry Key of Froze Colosseum Dungeon to the vCoin Shop in BI

Special thanks for suggestions and help making this update to
Devon and Jaybolty
IMHO those medium & high scrolls are unnecessary due to the lowest NW bracket is lvl 110-139 so if players wanna join that bracket they'll settle for mith grade items since it's the best for that bracket, about the flee rate scroll ain't needed 'cause as far as i know none will put flee rate to the slots of their nice armors and the cdi scroll can get randomly/uncommon while extracting mith armors. Also if possible maybe increase the quantity of scroll that we can get (if it's too much then current x1 is ok). So for the scrolls based on rarity cri, ssa, msa, should stay, maybe hp steal too or IMO it's better to replace hp steal with mcr scroll. Lastly about the buff pots rewards on lower redeem rank it's better also to increase the quantity received i.e. for ssa, msa & flee pots from x1 -> x3. Because 1 redeem = 1 black cap & x1 buff pots ain't worthy (IMO).

And one more thing about those red rarity rewards no offense but i think they'll appear once in a blue moon.
And this is my opinion/feedback/suggestions.
Instead of gettin useful redeem caps last redeem rank now were starting to gain crap "scrolls" medium / high" I think its better to put HIGHEST SCROLLS or rather than med/high scrolls. Coz these scrolls are starting to waste our redeem COUNTS.
here's my feedback after reaching the max redeem yesterday. am really frustrated whenever i got this scrolls which i really don't need. i think that other players feel the same way. so instead of posting bad comment/complaint i spent some of my free time making my own redeem reward list

see below:

this is asking bit much more alz than the previous one, but players can obtain it easily in NF and the rewards they can receive deserves that much amount.

if you think this is still not enough or something needs to be revised do it, and post here.... lets help both parties!
Stop complaining and help the server grow.

Best regards
if you think this is still not enough or something needs to be revised do it, and post here.... lets help both parties!
Stop complaining and help the server grow.

Best regards

Lol Kahootz whats with the sudden change of attitude??
Before Kahootz was rewarded 100 Gold Caps he was the best whiner ingame and in shoutbox rofl

back to topic...
even from the very start they knew that this update will bring complains and critism and yet they implemented it.
both donors and non-donors takes 4-5hours farming redeem coins from limited spots in Lakeside to redeem for caps rewards, but after redeeming they get 1 high/medium armor option scrolls and a black cap. a lot of redeem coins + 2-3hrs from lvl 190-200 and you get that crap reward lol.
i know whats "random" but its not, that rewards list is a sham.
and these so called "Game Masters" job is to correct or suggest best ideas for the server, what i notice is they are waiting for players complains, even from the very start they knew this update is fail but keep implementing it.

they hate players calling updates a crap
i ask you now, what can you call this rewards??

Reward Package 1
Armor Option Scroll Flee Rate [Medium] + 1 Black Cap

Reward Package 2
Armor Option Scroll Flee Rate [High] + 1 Black Cap

Stop thinking, its a CRAAP lol

.. OK OK i get it you are limiting players to gain Gold Caps because you have plans of putting Gold/Black/Silver Caps in Eshop with an OP price. and i think i just hit a nerve, didn't i?????
haaaaaaayss server getting worst everyday.
Aren't you getting tired of composing complaints? Well i am.. If you dont like here the doors are open and stop nagging here. You're not helping. Or maybe you're in need of attention?

Grow up and get a life!
Aren't you getting tired of composing complaints? Well i am.. If you dont like here the doors are open and stop nagging here. You're not helping. Or maybe you're in need of attention?

Grow up and get a life!
lol kahootz
dont you remember? im in the exact position where you at last month
you are the #1 whiner in shoutbox
and being being rewarded with 100 Gold Caps suddenly changed you lol

very well, im not getting tired of complaining because im helping the server my way.. im not a "yes sir" type
yes the door is wide open for dislikers but we are in a public forum for an argument. what makes you think im not helping lol?? some of the changes comes from my suggestions rofl.. last time i check i have a life, a job 8hrs/day and 4hrs for playing online games unlike you who spent half of your day(12hrs) on online games .. peace out
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