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Update 18.02.2015 - Game Play changes

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Channel Structure Changes
  • Channel 1 and 2 (Normal Channels)
  • Channel 3,4,5 (Premium Channels)
  • Channel 6 Redeeming Channel (Premium Channel)

Channel Type Features
  • Normal - Item drop x2
  • Premium - Item drop x3 (Every Sunday SPECIAL DROP x4)
Distinctive channel features
  • Channel 1,2 - Allows to have open at once 40 Personal shops
  • Channel 1,2,3 - Allows dungeoning
  • Channel 3,4,5,6 - Allows maximum 5 Personal shops
  • Channel 4 - Every Day spawn the Arcane Golem of Rage at 17:00 Server Time GMT
  • Channel 5 - Every Sunday spawn the Vikalitan at 20:00 Server Time GMT
Available war channels
  • Mission War (Lv. 110 ~ 139)
  • Mission War (Lv. 140 ~ 169)
  • Mission War (Lv. 170 ~ 200)
  • Adjusted the drop for Frozen Tower of Undead B2F
Starting Stuff for new players
  • Character will start will all maps and warps (already made characters were updated too)
  • Starting Level set to 69
  • All new characters will start with ShadowSteel/Aramid/Citrine (craft and 2 slots) items to make the accommodation to the server more pleasant

Please make those redeem capz more usefull.... Nobody's interested with those upgrades you put in yul event.
Then spend all your 60caps for +27 attack LOL
I gotta agree with you, +13 def / +27 attack is not really that helpfull, but don't forget also the 4x Tempus ring and also the Runes.... but indeed, i wish they we're bit better than just now hootzy.
Only wise persons agree with me... Grats nagato! LoL
Lelz... well thanks.. but i hope to see some good changes later, don't forget that it said Part I on the Event, so maybe Part II comes later?
Reason why you should hold onto your caps for now.... those upgrades are useless. mine gonna be buried for a while till they release a useful item in event shop.
Reason why you should hold onto your caps for now.... those upgrades are useless. mine gonna be buried for a while till they release a useful item in event shop.
I still got them in ma pocket bro :)
So x3 drop simply means if ur lucky ull get x3 tempus in 1 tempus boss? hehe Sorry but I disagree w/ x3 - x4 item drop. x2 is enough, x3 - x4 is too much
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Some of the starter gear would be helpful on my actual char.
I think making that gear account bound would be a good decision.
So x3 drop simply means if ur lucky ull get x3 tempus in 1 tempus boss? hehe Sorry but I disagree w/ x3 - x4 item drop. x2 is enough, x3 - x4 is too much
Don't work like that, will not drop as you say.
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