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Update 23.03.2015 - Changes based on players feedback

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
New Features:
  • The Vote system will give now 5 hours Premium for each vote site.You get now 15 hours of premium every 12 hours.
  • Added Remote Cards to Vcoin Shop

  • Ancient Dragon 'blind spot' from which archer could attack him without the dragon hitting back.

  • The Vcoin shops that had the blessing beads and option scrolls were merged into 1 vcoin shop that will have usables.
  • Nerfed the attack of Guardians in NW channels.
  • Removed the Potion of Honor Level 1,2 and 3 Honor Rank requirement.
  • Increased the Redeem Coin drop rate in Lake Side (Channel 6) with x4.
  • Nerfed the attack of all mobs in Lake Side (Channel 6) with another 10%.
  • Increased the Potion of Honor Level 1,2 and 3 drop rate in Lake Side (Channel 6) with x2.
  • Increased the Potion of Honor Level 1 drop in Arcane Trace (All Channels) with x2.
  • Removed the UCH from the redeem reward (from redeem 61) and added more Black Caps in the randomizer.

Special thanks for reporting issues and suggesting changes:
~Saint, Selrahc, Jihad, Kahootz, Grinjo Lidell
thanks... hoping that if there's more suggestions you're still willing to listen, keep it up hand down to you

*much respect 4u
:rock: woot! Thanks for this nice update. :rock:
Removed the UCH from the redeem reward (from redeem 61) and added more Black Caps in the randomizer.
Sir, so this ^ part only applies on redeem 61 above so it means that redeem 60 below will still have a chance to get UCH? :worried: Well if it is, that's sad.

But in other words, to sum it up very nice update. :cool:
Best Update????

I redeem from 79-90 and become only black cap (65)
before i redeem 19 times and become 15 uch, 2 limit epau, 10 silver, 15 black
Best Update????

I redeem from 79-90 and become only black cap (65)
before i redeem 19 times and become 15 uch, 2 limit epau, 10 silver, 15 black
Please be aware that the rewards are chose by a randomizer so its simply based on how lucky you are.
From the list you can receive from the last one till the first one based on your luck.
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