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Update 28.02.2015 - 3 Slotted Items Drops and POH

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
  • Added Potion of Honor Level 1,2 and 3 drops in Redeem Lake Side and AT maps.

You've putted POH on game again, so who will join mwar? XD We old players farmed for our honors w/ more time and effort on dungeons and mwars. POH should be on higher drop rates to be fair. Having POH in DP points is enough, having it on a map is too much. It should stay on DP shop as a reward of DP points.
You've putted POH on game again, so who will join mwar? XD We old players farmed for our honors w/ more time and effort on dungeons and mwars. POH should be on higher drop rates to be fair. Having POH in DP points is enough, having it on a map is too much. It should stay on DP shop as a reward of DP points.
It is not drooping in big amount and the LS Redeem is a very hard map.
As for the MW when we make the Wexp shops people will join trust me ;)
It is not drooping in big amount and the LS Redeem is a very hard map.
As for the MW when we make the Wexp shops people will join trust me ;)
It should be balanced. It should take time, its not hard to farm if uve got the last set. Last time it takes a week/2weeks before we get rank 11 to equip our acces, and now even 1-2days we can make our chars into rank 11. The value should be the same honor points that was given on DP points cubes. Same as what u guys did on drop rates. Is the server is on high rate now? thought that this "server" was a medium rate server. It makes us old players feel disappointed. We farmed and exerted effort on it.
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