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Update 30.01.2015 - Changes

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
In this updated we have changed the next things:
  • Adjusted the FC mobs after the players feedback.
  • Adjusted the values from Potions that drop in AT:
    • Potion of Experience (from 5.000.000 to 35.000.000)
    • Potion of Soul (from 35.000 to 225.000)
  • Changed all the blessing beads duration from the vCoin shop from 1 hour to 3.
Thank you all for the good feedback till now.
We hope you will continue to provide it so we can build a very good server.
Will the update for Zwei Frame Weapons be still available in the near future? I just remembered that I've read something like that from the old website a couple of months ago. Anyways, This update is awesome!
Yes we have planed the new zwei frame weapons too but after we finish with the drops.
Drops are very important for us to be finished as fast as possible.
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