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Update 30-Nov-2017

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Hello dear community players, in this update we will bring you a lot of changes and improvements in order to make the game more interesting. The following update were made taking in consideration your feedback and our knowledge in order to keep the server safe and enjoyable.

  1. Class balance
    • Wizzard:
      • Increased the formula part for Defense and HP
      • The base HP increased with 10.5%
      • The base Def increased with 10.8%
    • Blader:
      • Increased the formula part for Defense
      • The base Def increased with 2.2%
    • Warrior:
      • Bloody Spirit buff changed from -80% defense to -70% defense
    • Force Shielder
      • Mortal Bane buff changed from -90% defense to -80% defense
  2. Drop Change
    • Increased the drop rate of Cursed Leth Tyrant's Ring from Awakened Forgotten Temple B2F
    • Replaced the Core Enhancer and Core Superior directly with the Enhanced Core and Superior Core
    • Abandoned City drop changes
      Relic Chest:
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Slot Extender (Unique)
      Enhanced Core (Unique)
      Superior Core (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Highest)
      Force Core (Highest)
      Slot Extender (Highest)
      Enhanced Core (Highest)
      Superior Core (Highest)
      Legacy Chest:
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Slot Extender (Unique)
      Enhanced Core (Unique)
      Superior Core (Unique)
      Legendary Box:
      Perfect Core (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Slot Extender (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Enchant Safeguard (Unique) 1->2
    • Frozen Tower of Undead B3F drop changes
      Relic Chest:
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Slot Extender (Unique)
      Enhanced Core (Unique)
      Superior Core (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Highest)
      Force Core (Highest)
      Slot Extender (Highest)
      Enhanced Core (Highest)
      Superior Core (Highest)
      Legacy Chest:
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Slot Extender (Unique)
      Enhanced Core (Unique)
      Superior Core (Unique)
      Legendary Box:
      Perfect Core (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Slot Extender (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Enchant Safeguard (Unique) 1->2
      Slot Extender (Highest)
      Upgrade Core (Highest)
      Perfect Core (Highest)
    • Awakened Forgotten Temple B2F drop changes
      Relic Chest:
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Slot Extender (Unique)
      Enhanced Core (Unique)
      Superior Core (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Highest)
      Force Core (Highest)
      Slot Extender (Highest)
      Enhanced Core (Highest)
      Superior Core (Highest)
      Treasure Chest:
      Upgrade Core (Highest)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Legacy Chest:
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Slot Extender (Unique)
      Enhanced Core (Unique)
      Superior Core (Unique)
      Legendary Box:
      Perfect Core (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Force Core (Unique)
      Slot Extender (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Upgrade Core (Unique)
      Enchant Safeguard (Unique) 1->2
      Slot Extender (Highest)
      Upgrade Core (Highest)
      Perfect Core (Highest)
    • Accessories will drop with character bind on equip status or character bind status. In case you see any accessory (Epaulets, Earrings, Rings, Bracelets, Amulets, Belts) dropping with Account Bound status please fill in a bug report.
  3. Item changes
    • Chaos Belts are not Account Bound by property anymore.
  4. Nshop changes
    • Slot Extenders added
    • Lowered the prices for the Force Cores which were to high
    • Reduced the cost for most of the items with values between 19% and 21%
    • In order to control the black market the important items are sold with account bound status. Considering players can get eCoins by redeeming we need to control and prevent black marketing with the items from the NShop which are cheap now.The purpose for the items in the Nshop is just to help your characters not to trade them.
  5. Arcane Golem's Enchant Stone and Minesta's Echant Stone changes
    • The stone will not be matching the item type anymore, instead they will match the item grade (Medium, High, Highest, Unique)
    • You will be able to craft now each stone type from a different card formular that you can buy in NPC Chloe from Port Lux.
  6. Elements Acquire plan changed
    • The elements are now divided in the most important game styles
      • Mission War will provide most of the Water Elements
      • Redeem system will provide most of the Earth Elements
      • Voting system will provide most of the Wind Elements
      • Dungeon system will provide most of the Fire Elements
    • Alternative ways to acquire elements are the Nshop, Boss Raids and Quest.
    • Each daily quest will allow you to select the type of the Element you want as reward.
    • Improved the Mission War cubes chances to get higher stacks of Water Elements.
  7. Website modules
    • Enchant Module:
      • You will need from now stones that matches the item grade. (Medium, High, Highest, Unique)
      • Added most accessories to be used with the system except the special ones like Tempus' Ring, Awakened Tyrant's Ring and a few others.
      • In order to keep the Lightning element tradeable we decided to not allow the end game gear Equilibrium to be used with the bind/unbind system so Equilibrium Items cannot be used with the system.
    • Item Option Remove Module:
      • You can use the module on all weapons, body parts and bikes including the special weapon sets Senillinea and Lost Relics.
  8. Fixes
    • Fixed the epaulet set effects for Equilibrium items.
DailyQuestRewards.png EnchantStonesCraftFormulars.png GolemEnchantStoneDrop.png Mission-war-cube.png vCoins for  Wind Elements.png
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Item changes
  • Chaos Belts are not Account Bound by property anymore.
Can elaborate this please? What would happen to those old players that have 'em with "Account Binding" status will they change to "Character Binding","Character Binding when Equipped", "Tradeable" and/or enchant system would also work for 'em (even to just change from "char" -> "acc") after the update? If Acc bound -> Char bound w/o the possibility of enchant it's a BIG -1 for it i don't really like that part (IF) that's the case, t'would be like every pvp/pk able char for it to maximize pvp/pk potential should have x2 +2/+3 belts each.:rolleyes: The rest seems fine for me though.:giggle:
Can elaborate this please? What would happen to those old players that have 'em with "Account Binding" status will they change to "Character Binding","Character Binding when Equipped", "Tradeable" and/or enchant system would also work for 'em (even to just change from "char" -> "acc") after the update? If Acc bound -> Char bound w/o the possibility of enchant it's a BIG -1 for it i don't really like that part (IF) that's the case, t'would be like every pvp/pk able char for it to maximize pvp/pk potential should have x2 +2/+3 belts each.:rolleyes: The rest seems fine for me though.:giggle:
If you check the website customizer you will understand what Account bound property means and how this update will affect the current belts ingame already.
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