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Vehicle Shapes Compensation


Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
Hello everyone,

We are thrilled to announce that we have distributed two NEW Astral Shape Mount/Bikes to all accounts that owned either mounts or the new bikes before yesterday's update. This ensures that you can continue to enjoy the visuals without the need for additional gem spending, at least for now.

In total, we've sent out 5090 Shapes, benefiting 1157 accounts. Each user will receive 1 Astral Shape with permanent duration and 1 with a 60-day duration for every Bike/Mount they had previously exchanged for the original bikes.

Have a wonderful day!
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Really appreciate the compensation!

Though just for clarification are mounts or bikes received from events also included?
the item is perm but not the duration of the apearance /the item gives no option for a perm apearance at the alchemist

so i see the bare minimum you did is compensating for the mount extra cost with handing out 2 boosters per mount . it is not the best you couldve done but at least you aknowledged your mistake in some way. now then since im sure you wont be handing out perma boosters. how about coating kits that are buyable. so you wouldnt necessary be forced to buy a booster to get your desired skin. i mean costumes are a 1 pay perm item aswell. so cosmetic coats would be a nice addiation here . and you might set them to a 20 - 50€ for a perm coating . the pros of this is that when someone decides to buy a booster on top of it they wont loose their initial look after their booster runs out etc.
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Hello everyone,

We are thrilled to announce that we have distributed two NEW Astral Shape Mount/Bikes to all accounts that owned either mounts or the new bikes before yesterday's update. This ensures that you can continue to enjoy the visuals without the need for additional gem spending, at least for now.

In total, we've sent out 5090 Shapes, benefiting 1157 accounts. Each user will receive 1 Astral Shape with permanent duration and 1 with a 60-day duration for every Bike/Mount they had previously exchanged for the original bikes.

Have a wonderful day!
I did not receive any.

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