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What event would you like to see? Pt.2

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Professional Enchanter
I'd like to know from you what new events can be hosted for catch your attention. Like this, you can give us some ideas and host some more events :)
host some more event?:D already hard to remember when was last event. it was good same hide and seek, questions and answers, combo, when was event with personal shops, when need to write our numbers what we wanna and GM was rolling a dice(this one was pretty interesting). Somehow can say event already was good enough, just problem is there that no one is making them ^^
And same thing with normal bosses what is every week, would be awesome if somehow we could have one extra custodi boss and patren, bcoz last week we didnt see them ^^
hunting for GM STAFF and kill , :giggle::giggle:
then your bounty is going to 2 to 3b :wasntme::wasntme:


    260.3 KB · Views: 130
Fastest Dungeon Raid (Guild) .. ex AC run ( 6 member of the guild( 3 chaos people and 3 non chaos) + gm) :D
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Guild vs guild= 10vs10 members
Price=new weapons pcs x60 own choice
=odd x30 each member
=100 ccash each member
Rule= no Bm and aura free skill
Can use normal potion ( crafting potion)
Guild vs guild= 10vs10 members
Price=new weapons pcs x60 own choice
=odd x30 each member
=100 ccash each member
Rule= no Bm and aura free skill
Can use normal potion ( crafting potion)
free skill --> debuffs allowed (what is fair is fair, want free skill anymore ?) =)))))
free skill --> debuffs allowed (what is fair is fair, want free skill anymore ?) =)))))
its team work my friend. how gvg u want stay like normal PvP? That :sick:suck:sick: its not 10 kill u will Winn already maybe 50kill then the guild will Winn
You guys have a good opinions on what could be a nice event in the future. But please take into consideration that not everyone in the community has the ability to compete with the others like pvp event/ dungeon raids/ gvg, etc. etc.

We need an event where eveyone can benefit and compete in equal terms. (from low-gears to full-gears). The only thing I can think now is about a poster-making contest or making a music video about redemption. I know its kinda boring and doesn't excite you at all. But my point is, if you want an even that everyone can enjoy and benefit then you should be considerate to all members of the community.

(Brace yourselves, bitters are coming to disagree/unlike this post.)
I hosted a guild video event for let everybody participate in it and was something new for the server, just 1 guild participated and this is kinda frustrating, hoped to see people participating on it but I was wrong, thought to make something interesting and it could even be funny
Yeah that is also true. We tried to make one, but we don't meet our opinions and the greatest problem is that we are from different timezones. But I think things will get easier if it requires a solo entry.
Well you didn't have to make everything together, you could make a solo video doing a dngs or killing a boss and send it to the video maker, then he will put all the videos together, take a screenshot of the people in guild etc
Actually what i'd like to see is more "official" events such as the halloween one or anything were Ergo put some effort ... seriously Christmas event was awful (and ye i know you guys didn't work at all on that,still the point stands) then there was Valentine's Day and nothing was done np now the next incoming festivity is Easter really hope you'll do something (possibly something decent if it's not asking too much lol).
Of course every "casual" event you (gms) do is welcome, any kind ;) everything breaks the routine but the real deal are official events (and ye i know that this thread is about the casual ones but still wanted to say it).
Btw the guild vid event was indeed a complete fail for mostly a couple of reasons : rewards (nothing more to add here beside what has been said already on the thread itself lol) and the fact most people simply aren't into making vids meh

/moonspeakon parliamoci chiaro la gente qua neanche sa come registrarlo un video pensa se poi deve anche editarlo per bene ... dai su xD /moonspeakoff
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