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What the best FA gear?


I'm FA user but I'm new on all item in this sever.. Can some one guide me how to make a good gear for FA. INCLUDEING EPAULETTE AND BIKE.
Currently it's probably Chaos Equipment, with Chaos Epaulet.

About bikes you should get one for PVE, and one for PVP.

PVE = 30% Cr.DMG or 10% Amp / 20% Cr.DMG. (Recommend) There are ofcourse more options.
PVP = 14% Res.Crit rate / 50% Amp or 7% Res.Crit rate / 60% Amp.

About Weapons:
Either way go for Chaos Orbs +15.
Or go for Awakened Orbs 17% AMP / 35% Cr.DMG + 20% Cr.DMG craft. which drops from The Lost Relic event boss.

Hope this will help you out a bit. :laughing:
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Currently it's probably Chaos Equipment, with Chaos Epaulet.

About bikes you should get one for PVE, and one for PVP.

PVE = 30% Cr.DMG or 10% Amp / 20% Cr.DMG. (Recommend) There are ofcourse more options.
PVP = 14% Res.Crit rate / 50% Amp or 7% Res.Crit rate / 60% Amp.

About Weapons:
Either go for Chaos Orbs +15.
Or go for Awakened Orbs 17% AMP / 35% Cr.DMG + 20% Cr.DMG craft. which drops from The Lost Relic event boss.tu do much..

Hope this will help you out a bit. :laughing:
Bike (PVE):
  • Craft Option: Critical Damage.
  • Slot Option 1st slot: Attack / Magic Attack / Critical Damage
  • Slot Option 2nd slot: Attack / Magic Attack / AMP / Critical Damage.
  • Slot Option 3rd slot: Critical Damage / AMP.
Cdi 10% craft which you can get from customizer.
Bike (PVE):
  • Craft Option: Critical Damage.
  • Slot Option 1st slot: Attack / Magic Attack / Critical Damage
  • Slot Option 2nd slot: Attack / Magic Attack / AMP / Critical Damage.
  • Slot Option 3rd slot: Critical Damage / AMP.
Cdi 10% craft which you can get from customizer.
how much the magic attack will add in the slot budy?
The blue bike and the rw3 bike is it same lv craft and the amount of dmg when we make?
Depends if it's extended, but the amount in slots should be the same.
Here are the different stats for the Blue.
Top row are regular craft stats and slotted.
Second row are Resist craft stats and slotted

Here are the different stats for the RW3.
Top row are regular craft stats and slotted.
Second row are Resist craft stats and slotted

As you may notice the Craft stats are higher for the RW3 but the slotted stats are the same for both Bikes.
May this help and happy gaming... :rolleyes:

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