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  1. T

    Not a bug BLaders are NOT able to join a Nation

    Quest simply marked automatically as complete. (I was not even able to take it but to choose... It simply dissapeared from quest chain) Is 2nd BLader made in this purpose. Because I was thinking that was a bug just on one character(Errors in database or something like this), but is 2nd one...
  2. Saya

    Buying Extreme Limitless/Zwei

    Looking for Extreme Limitless or Zwei items for Blader. send me a pm thanks.
  3. F

    Lags with Razer Keyboard !!

    Hey there, i am playing a Blader and using a Razer Keyboard for my BM2. (i know all or the most of the BL also use that on my way). But it's lagging that much if i am on using the macro to retarg. Does someone also has that problem and anyone know how to fix it ? It seems like other macro...
  4. M

    WTT WI perf eins for BL perf eins (full set)

    I have full CD helmet and orbs (20+13) I also have eins epaulet 7 amp Leave comment here or PM me in game: Mikele or Rekin
  5. N

    Blader Cut or not to Cut

    Hi there Everyone, basiclly im new here and as cabal updated over the years new to that also. and Though i start here a Blade so as so much changed i got a bunch of questions... and before talk anymore around em here are they. sort wise i though about a pve combo and using now Primary...

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