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My opinion and recommendation about the 9 classes and their balance


Hi all,

I don't want to annoy anyone but just share my opinion about the playable classes in general, the distribution of played classes and the strengths and weaknesses of each class.
I would like to start a open discussion about the possibility to enlarge the variety of played classes.

First of all, yes Blader maybe the strongest class for dungeon, especially solo, but i don't want to ask for a "nerf" of Blader or a "nerf" of Wizzard or Force Archer at nation war... I think it would be very important if we could "buff" all the other classes, especially Forceblader, Warrior, Gladiator and Shielder - because I think those are the "weakest" classes for all kind of game content. Very few people are playing these classes, which is a shame because the variety of the classes is what makes Cabal such a great game in my opinion.
Think back to the good old Cabal times where you needed all 6 Classes for a successful Dungeon run :)
Of course all of them lack in survivability on hard bosses in end game dungeons, which could be the reason for this behavior.
Maybe we should just think about increasing the defense of plate gear at all or "buffing" their Battlemodes... I think it would be awesome to see FS´s, GL´s, WA´s, FB´s beside BL´s and FA´s on the dungeon record lists!
Also this would boos the whole games economy because than it would also be able so sell items which are not suitable for BL, FA and WI.
Beside this it would maybe attract new player which want to play these classes and not only Blader...

What do you think about this, let me know about and please stay kindly and fair.

Thank you for reading this :-)
I appreciate!
I agree that there has to be a greater balance, but doing so is quite problematic.
Each class has its specialty and, although some are similar (such as FA and FG), they differ depending on the situation.

My suggestion is to update the game to add more accessories to the characters, and in these accessories try to find a balance between the classes, but it's really quite difficult to do this, if someone succeeds I'll be happy and surprised.
I think the idea to balance the classes via additional accessories like Arcana, Charm, Effectors and so on... Additionally I think a better class balance and the resulting class variate will also highlight this server over all the other Cabal private server out there...

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