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New Drop system (NO MORE CRAP)

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
The main ideea of this update was to remove as much as possible the crap items that were dropping in all the maps and dungeons.

We cannot point all the changes because they are to many and that will mean to actually just say the drops for each map but the main idea will be from now that the normal maps monster will be able to drop items with up to 3 slots and have up to 2 slots filled with ASA, CDI or CRI.

The normal maps bosses will drop crafted items with slots up to 3 and 2 filled. The same like normal mobs.
Now the interesting part will be in dungeons.

The dungeons chest and some bosses will drop perfect craft items (5 -> 7) but there will be mobs also in end game dungeons that can drop also items.

Also there will be for no earrings and bracelelts that will drop with slot and craft. Since you can acquire them like that from the shop we decided that they should also drop inside the game.

Another good thing for the players is that we added some more Rare Elements drop in dungeons.
You will be able to farm Rare Elements in:
  • Abandoned City
  • EOD3
  • Frozen Colloseum
  • Maquinas Outpost
  • Chaos Infinity
We attached some images with some drops from the test server.

We will adjust the next days the drop system even more depending on the feedback from our staff and you, the players.

1 GOLEM view3.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 3.jpg
1 GOLEM view2.jpg
1 GOLEM view4 good item 1.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 1.jpg
1 GOLEM view4 good item 2.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 2.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 4.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 5.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 6.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 7 - Colton.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 8-gatekeeper1.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 8-gatekeeper2.jpg
AC RUN 1- BOSS 11-last.jpg
AC RUN 2- BOSS 4 item1.jpg
AC RUN 2- BOSS 3.jpg
AC RUN 2- BOSS 6.jpg
AC RUN 2- BOSS 8 - gatekeeper1.jpg
AC RUN 2- BOSS 9 item2.jpg
Great i must say, As I noticed Honor Potions on AT are so less compare to old drop rate same as for the Redeem coins wish not to stay like that, :h: Overall Good update keep it up!!!
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Hmm those 2 screens with palla fa helm and palla orb dropping with extended slots already (so bound already) shouldn't drop anymore since palla became all unbinded a few ups ago you might wanna recheck those.Beside that sounds nice expecially jewelry dropping slotted/crafted and more rares,gotta see the rates now .. but on paper it's already better than before.
NineteenSixtynine Idk were have you been but you know very well that UNIQUE PERFECT CRAFT Palladium items will never be simple, always Account Bound; all the palla items close to perfect craft are sellable ;)
Gm's, just want to clarify something. is there a chance the accesories with slot will drop on the dungeons listed?
With current drop rate of POH , I would suggest you just remove POH drop at AT or somewhere else (except CA 6) , and make POH buyable at ecoin shop (Acc Bound) . Then increase back redeem coin drop rate . So people will redeems to make H.Rank 20 , instead of dancing at BI shout "WTB > POH 40 m per FT" , these kind of people lazy AF but want all cheap . Maybe this is great idea so people will grind to max honour , or you can increase the wexp gain and force all player go war to earn wexp , and change later at PL (Old school is rock) .
Okay I've comeup with this idea , Segregation, like a certain map drops a high percentage of dungeon entries with combination chances to drop cores etc, a seperate map for craft items, dungeon entries , POH or RC , Set items etc etc the reason for this is to make other MAPS usable, this is just a suggestion but may help at somepoint hope you see this as a usefull thing, still depends on admins, More power OGN!
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i think its better that the perfect craft palladium is character bind when equip instead of account bind
Is Basic Element still available in CA 3 - 6? Can't seem to loot those inside Chaos Arena. Or is it one of the changes you can't list?
Okay I've comeup with this idea , Segregation, like a certain map drops a high percentage of dungeon entries with combination chances to drop cores etc, a seperate map for craft items, dungeon entries , POH or RC , Set items etc etc the reason for this is to make other MAPS usable, this is just a suggestion but may help at somepoint hope you see this as a usefull thing, still depends on admins, More power OGN!

One more thing set parts drop (F.E.) Archimidium for me its better that the slots are emply why? coz players will have more freedom putting options they like on the slots much more unique than dropping same items all the time. as i said just a suggestion still up to the admins :)
Yukina Sasaki Drop Segregation for each map is a thumbs up for me but removing all options in drops are unnecessary. I also want to suggest a Leveled drop list for each map (if a mob is at Lv 200, it should only drop Arch/ Limitless/Mithril), Kinda hate that you added Sigmetal/ Teragrace parts in Nostalgia forest, it became hard to farm alz. But then again it's the dev's choice.
On todays patch we edited the drop of AT,NF and Senillinea to drop Redeem Coins and PoH a bit more and added increased the number of drops for the Ancient Dragon in NF.
Also removed from the Abbandoned City dungeon the Palldium items that where perfect craft like the ones in the craft system (the account bound ones) because the other ones dropping can also be perfect craft now since the option pools were edited and the crap options were removed.

Forgot to mention about the potions in MWAR is not dropping...

The drop is either alz or nothing.
What about Key of Frozen Colosseum? I spent more than hour farming on NF and AT and dropped 0. It seems it not drop and slowly disappear from server. (My opinion) :D
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