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Redemption Cabal - New Begining

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Professional Enchanter
After many weeks of work we managed to bring the server config to our vision of a fun server that will last for long. Meaning that it will be a server were you will not get bored after 1 month of play.
We will try to make a very good summary of the changes and the new stuff that was added to the game itself.

Game Changes and New Features:
  • The stat points were reverted back to normal (5 stat points / level).The thing is that it's exactly the same. What 5 points gives you now is what exactly was given by 125 before. In the end the more stat points were all an illusion.We can't tell why the ex. owners did it like that.
  • The leveling system and the exp rates were set back to normal. How fast the leveling will be will be handled by the exp rates as its meant to be.
  • The best items in game will have maximum 3 slots. We will never allow 4 slotted items to prevent what happened on redemption when it was under EGA, server got boring because of OP items that ruined the PvP and PvE and DEAD.
  • The mobs EXP reward was set to normal values according to the normal Level table.
  • Added 3 vCoins Shops in BI. You can acquire different items with the Vote Coins (vCoins) earned by voting from the website.
  • Character Related changes
    • Starting class rank change to 6. But we wont have any bugged character quest cause all the quest are done to each class till class rank 6.
    • The Battle level up quest were updated and are less difficult now.
    • Max level of characters is 200 now.
    • Special Starting gear will not be given to avoid creation of dummy characters. There are a lot of easy to get beginner drops so starting gear is really not needed.
    • Every character will start at level 60
  • Buff limits set back to normal to prevent OP buffing.
  • Added the bind and unbind stones that will be used on the website to bind / unbind your item in purpose of ingame trading.
    • The items slot will have more values when the item is bounded so after a trade you will want to bind back the purchased item to have it at the "maximum power"
    • The unbind system is a very sensitive thing that has to be very well made because it will affect the game on a long term so we are taking time to make it perfect. Its a fresh start on the server so its really not needed yet. We have made the base of the system we just have to decide over the config (how it will work and what will be the dependencies)
  • Recalculated the stats of all items above the Archridium because they were very OP compared to the other sets and weapons. The values they were giving were very OP since they were set after the latest episode on official which is wrong considering we use ep8 stats in the other sets and the mobs attack. So we adjusted them to values that will suit our server.
  • Limitless changed the class restricted set like all the other sets are.
  • All items can have a maximum of 3 slots extension. You will not be able to extend the items ingame anymore to 4 slots.
  • Alz rate was lowered considering that all the skill books prices are very low. We don't want to be like majority of the servers were alz has no value at all. Considering the fact that for a beginner the most important is to get the skill books easy the low rate of alz will not be a problem since the prices are very low. We hope you will all understand and accommodate to the new rate and value the alz.
  • Redeeming Channel (Channel 6)
    • On this channel you can find the redeem coins needed to redeem and you can also get some very nice drop.
    • The channel is very hard so bring your best gear and your close friends too.
    • This channel will contain all the custom maps that were previously requested and / or announced.
    • We are starting it with a custom made Lakeside. The other maps will get customized on the way.
Website New Features:
  • Clans of the Abandoned city
    • You will find on the website 6 (7 in the future when we release the bind/unbind system) Clan Leaders.
    • Each clan leader will allow you to perform actions related to your account/characters.
  • Guild Management:
    • If you have a guild master character you will be able to upload a picture that will be converted to your guild emblem from there the website will do all for you so the guild emblem applies to the client.
    • The first emblem is for free then it will cost you 1000 eCoins to change it.
  • Forum Account Management:
    • If you made a donation you can link your forum account to your cabal account so you will automatically get the Donator tag on the forum.
  • Premium Service and vCoins:
    • Beside the fact that you will get vCoins for voting you will also get another 12 hour of Premium Voter Service.
    • Having Premium Voter Service allows you to enter the premium channels where the drop rates are better and the item drop is bigger then the normal channels.
  • Old eCoins reclaim:
    • All accounts that were active since 01.10.2014 and had a minimum of 2 weeks play time will be able to get a starting bonus of 2000 eCoins(20 euro).
    • All donator accounts since 01.10.2014 will be able to get back 50% of the total eCoins they donated for (It's 50% because the eShop prices were reduced down to 60%).
    • If you can't claim any eCoins from your old account it means that it does not satisfy the requirements, meaning the account was banned or inactive and there is nothing we can do about it.
  • Invite your Friends and earn free eCoins:
    • Beside the fact that you can free eCoins by completing PaymentWall offers now you can invite friends to play our server and if they decide to do so you will be rewarded. You can find all the other info needed about the Referral system at the Merchant Clan on the website.
  • eShop Tooltip and Items Details:
    • The information displayed by the eShop and the Tooltip are now 99.9% correct and synchronized with the real values of the items. You will know now what you are buying no matter if its a customized item or a normal one.
  • Redeem System
    • At the Clan of Masteries you will be able to redeem your character
    • To be able to redeem you need Redeem Coins which you can at channel 6. This channel is restricted to characters with a minimum level 190.
    • Redeeming will not be easy but keep in mind that the redeem will be for those who really want to stay on top.
    • For now we have available 15 Redeem Ranks but we will have a Redeem Goal system. (Something like when we have 200 characters at redeem rank 15 we will add 1 more rank with better rewards)
    • Beside a small bonus of eCoins for Redeeming we have planned a nice system that will keep players engaged to redeem.
    • More info about the system can be found at the Clan of Masteries on the website.
  • Accessories Customizing
    • The accessories customizing is limited to 1 slot and craft to avoid the creation of OP items.
  • Bind and Unbind selection in customizer
    • The tax for bind and unbind when customizing an item was removed since the purpose of binding and unbinding an item will be for the extra stats you will receive from slots. This is a circle where the bind / unbind will have "something to say too"
    • Some of the items that are customizable and will not be available for the bind / unbind system will not be sold with this option.
Hope I didn't forget anything. If I did fell free to ask.
Happy Gaming !
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and for additional, i suggest to put rare Epaulets on drop list. Like Archidium, Limitless, and ofc Zwei.
All epaulets are in drops starting from Porta Inferno up to Arcane Trace (+ High level dungeons like B3F).

Invite System has been corrected. All old emails with old links can go on Redemption homepage and simply register with the email address they were invited.

Free eCoins / hour will probably not happen anytime soon. We want to keep players interested in events and future new features of our website which will give the possibility of earning eCoins.
From the original post:
  • Old eCoins reclaim:
    • All accounts that were active since 01.10.2014 and had a minimum of 2 weeks play time will be able to get a starting bonus of 2000 eCoins(20 euro).
    • All donator accounts since 01.10.2014 will be able to get back 50% of the total eCoins they donated for (It's 50% because the eShop prices were reduced down to 60%).
    • If you can't claim any eCoins from your old account it means that it does not satisfy the requirements, meaning the account was banned or inactive and there is nothing we can do about it.
KFC or key of frozen Colosseum dungeon goes OP. please check the stats hehe we all know that it is a solo dungeon
From the original post:
  • Old eCoins reclaim:
    • All accounts that were active since 01.10.2014 and had a minimum of 2 weeks play time will be able to get a starting bonus of 2000 eCoins(20 euro).
    • All donator accounts since 01.10.2014 will be able to get back 50% of the total eCoins they donated for (It's 50% because the eShop prices were reduced down to 60%).
    • If you can't claim any eCoins from your old account it means that it does not satisfy the requirements, meaning the account was banned or inactive and there is nothing we can do about it.
how to claim?
my Old Account Has Been Deleted??
How to Reclaim?
yeah .. bm1 exp recieve bug XD .. i try it on MF ..
i've got 2,764 and 881 exp for bm1 XD
for the normal got 390,425 exp :bawltiger:
mobs were so hard to kill...and they can kill characters w/out good items just like a blink of the Eye.
can't finish any DG level 120 can we finish our BSLV..
A. Epaulets to be bought from eshop with with 1 or 2 slots max.
B. Removing honor rank requirement for bracelets and earrings.
C. IF Spirit of Fire buff SHALL be implemented in the future, please adopt the revised SoF of old Redemption which is more on defense (on smaller value) and NOT the First one which is an offensive type. IF AND ONLY IF...

Just a suggestion, nothing much...
Just to make a few things clear for everyone because many users couldn't understand it from the original post:
  1. Reclaim 2.000 eCoins if you were an active non donor player with two weeks playtime:
    • This applies to users that had two week playtime since they registered to the old redemption and they were active after 01.10.2014 (1st of October, 2014), meaning they logged in and played at least once after the 1st of October 2014.
  2. Reclaim 50% eCoins of the total amount donated after 01.10.2014:
    • This applies to users that made any donations after the date of 01.10.2014 (1st of October, 2014), meaning that old donations (January 2014, February 2014, etc..) before the 1st of October are not reclaimable.
We hope this answers the related questions.
A. Epaulets to be bought from eshop with with 1 or 2 slots max.
B. Removing honor rank requirement for bracelets and earrings.
C. IF Spirit of Fire buff SHALL be implemented in the future, please adopt the revised SoF of old Redemption which is more on defense (on smaller value) and NOT the First one which is an offensive type. IF AND ONLY IF...

Just a suggestion, nothing much...
Next time try to use the Suggestion section for those things ;)
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