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Reworked Redeem System and much more!

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
After almost 1 month of continuous work we are excited to bring to you all a new website for Redemption Cabal and a new Redeem System.
Please read carefully all the changes and their purpose so you can get a vision on how we want the server gameplay to be.

Leveling system has been simplified, from now on each character will start with level 180. At level 180 you are able to enter any map and dungeon.
On character creation you will receive the stat points as you would be level 200 but leveling up will not grant stat points. This way we avoid the annoying setup of points after each redeem. All the current characters have been granted the stat points that they would have made up to level 200 also.
The level will be just 1 of the 3 requirements needed to redeem, meaning there are no more level requirements to wear equipment or enter a map/dungeon.

Each level will require 100.000.000 EXP.

To suit this new leveling system the EXP had to be adjusted. We adjusted the EXP rate so that the level up to 200 would take a decent amount of time, this way the old players and new players will have this challenge of gathering the EXP to Redeem almost the same.
To be able to gain EXP from any mob we removed the check for the maximum level difference between the mob and character and we changed all the mobs levels that were under 180 to 180.
So from now even if you are with 20 levels or more higher than the mob you will still gain EXP.
Another change that we did is related to the 2 bosses you are all used to farm huge amounts of EXP, the Arcane Golem of Rage and Nostalgia Forest Dragon. These 2 mobs will not give anymore huge amounts of EXP.
The EXP they will give will be a bit higher then the other Bosses from maps like Porta Inferno and lower.
From now on all the Boss Raid mobs will give EXP. (Depending on the players and staff feedback we will continue to adjust the EXP reward from mob hunting)

The Cube of Experience (Low)(Medium)(High)(Highest) were adjusted to suit the current EXP table.

As we know the EXP is directly affecting the AXP gain so we adjusted the AXP the following way.
From Lv.180 to 189 you get 100%AXP based on EXP earned.
From Lv.190 to 200 you get 120% AXP basses on EXP earned.
All characters above level 180 will get 100000 AXP for 1 point of WEXP
All characters above level 185 will get 120000 AXP for 1 point of WEXP
All characters above level 190 will get 150000 AXP for 1 point of WEXP
All characters above level 195 will get 200000 AXP for 1 point of WEXP​
Since all our characters start with Transcender Skill Rank and the skill EXP is actually used for the last levels of Transcender and the SP recharge, we decide the lower the Skill EXP to avoid recharging your SP fully in just a few hits. We intend to give more value to the Fury Potions this way.

As mentioned above because the leveling is actually one of the requirements to redeem and nothing else we also decided to eliminate the Lev. limitation on the items and replace it with Honor Rank. (We will have more updates based on the players and staff feedback on the items Honor Rank Req.)

New Redeem system, easier, more fun and better rewards.
In this "test phase" of this new system we will enable the first 3 reward types.
Loot Box - Bronze
Loot Box - Silver
Loot Box - Gold
Loot Box - Platinum (will come in future updates)
Loot Box - Diamond (will come in future updates)​
Every time you will redeem you will have a chance to get 1 of the loot boxes. Beside the loot box you will get an amount of eCoins also. The reward will be emailed to your character.
The best news regarding this redeem system is that there will be no more limits to how many redeems your character can make. We will not make a drop list of the loot boxes so we keep the element of surprise but we will tell you that the Gold Loot Box has on its drop pool over 150 items.
In the end the idea of this new redeem system is to make it something competitive for old and new players and it will also be a good and free way to get items, basic/rare/unique elements and eCoins.

The Starting gear and skills for each character were updated and Starter Palladium items were added.
This new gear comes with 2 craft options and 3 slots and a pretty good set effect. However the Starter Palladium items are all account bound by property. The first 6 characters you will make will also receive some accessories, potions and return stones. After the first 6 characters you will receive only the potions and return stones. Each character will start now with 5 basic skills beside the normal starting skills we had until now.

A new game feature is that characters can now be deleted from the select screen no matter the level they are.

New NPC's were added to Bloody Ice town.
Mercenary Shop - Get Epic and Unique Mercenary from this NPC.
Extra Skills Shop - Get the extra skills books that will make your character more powerful.
Updated the N Shop.

Dungeon Ranking will be cleared daily of the accounts that were banned for hacks.
Yekaterina VIP Membership and Premium Shop Sign where changed to fit in 2x1 slots in inventory.
Increased channel 1, 2 and 4 capacity.

And what is an update if we don't have some issues solved? :D
The bugged Siena's Bracelets that had no epic values will be replaced with Sealed ones.
For the server to be able to switch them please keep the bracelets in your character inventory.
Fixed a bug that was preventing the Angry Birds items to be removed from the characters.
Maga Eyagre and Ratzel of Reason and Wind mercenaries are now working.
Fixed other Mercenaries that were dropping with wrong options making them unavailable for registration.(They will be auto fixed to all players who has them in the character inventory.)
Fixed a bug on Senillinea Formular that was making it disappear from char inventory upon exiting a dungeon or entering war channel then reappear on relog.

This update is part of a longer plan of updates and game changes so expect more changes and cool new features ;)

Patch 28.01.2017

  • Increased the Potion of Honor reward accordingly:
    • Lv.1 Min 100000 - Max 500000
    • Lv.2 Min 600000 - Max 950000
    • Lv.3 Min 1000000 - Max 2000000
  • Removed Honor Requirement from all items till we review them and implement something the players agree with
  • Changed the N shop items to not be account bound and adjusted the prices on some of the items that were wrong.
  • The extra skill books can now be bought for a fair amount of Alz or WEXP
  • Redeem requirements are now discounted in the following way:
    • Redeems 1 to 99 will require you:
      • 200 Level character
      • 125 Redeem Coins
      • 18,750,000 Alz
    • Redeems 100 to 199 will require you:
      • 200 Level character
      • 250 Redeem Coins
      • 37,500,000 Alz
    • Redeems 200 to 299 will require you:
      • 200 Level character
      • 375 Redeem Coins
      • 56,250,000 Alz
    • Redeem 300 and above will require you:
      • 200 Level character
      • 500 Redeem Coins
      • 75,000,000 Alz
  • Increased chances to get higher amount of eCoin rewards per redeem
  • PaymentWall extra payment methods have been activated. It can take up to 24 hours before they are visible on the donation widget
Patch 31.01.2017
  • X has recently started to play as a normal player and noticed that it was very hard to dispose the Starter Gear and move to the next set.
  • The problem was that the set effect from it + the base stats the other 4 parts give were close to Mithril ones
  • This was causing a huge gap between the sets and so an unbalance between the classes, the players were either to weak or to strong.
  • We adjusted the set effects to progressive but the value will be bigger when you take the whole 4 pieces stats + the set effect itself.
  • Here are the new set effects values
    • 1.png
    • 2.png
    • 3.png
    • 4.png
    • 5.png
    • 6.png
    • 7.png
    • 8.png
    • 8.png
  • And here you can compare the Def / Def Rate / HP you get in total from a set effect and the actually set parts
    • Final1.png
    • Final2.png
    • Final3.png
  • The Arcane Trace spawn were edited so the No Nation character can also access the map.
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As the recent update takes place i notice different kinds of nonsense, 1st of all "N" shop now items here takes the label of "account bind" if you noticed the new redeem system with very few "e-coins" it gives plus how expensive it is there is no point of redeeming now specially for those newbies who depend on redeeming and selling their e-coins in exchange for alz or what so ever items they need in return, this UPDATE destroys newbies! also items now on "e-coins" shop became too much expensive given the fact that the "e-coins" it gives in redeem system is very low, if you want to POPULATE your server better look at the view of newbies rather that the ones who are rich and old ones, please rethink this. I was here when OGN takes its very low times where we have no more players online then now comes the time where we populate again I'm happy about it seeing the server i loved being lively again, but here comes this weird update. It dissapoints many including me but still im hoping you see this tread as a constructive one because i somewhat represent the players who cant argue or cant express their feelings, I HOPE you think again and i wish this is not final , better care about the ones who are NEW, OLDS will stay, but the NEW ones? I dont think so ...
Edited 28.01.2017 - Updated feedback

we cant delete these costumes as like as we cant sell pets. Need fix here

I dont know if it's part of update , but...

version : 444
FileName : D:\Program Files (x86)\Olympus Gaming Network\Cabal Online\cabalmain.exe
ExceptionTime: 2017-01-27 [12:08:39]
LastModification: Mon Dec 26 11:41:27 2011
LastCompiled: 14:35:52
Exception code: E06D7363
Fault address: 7461A6F2 01:000D96F2 C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll

DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B

Call stack:
Address Frame Logical addr Module
7461A6F2 06CEE54C 0001:000D96F2 C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
6375229A 06CEE590 0001:0005129A D:\Program Files (x86)\Olympus Gaming Network\Cabal Online\mtp.dll
63750373 06CEE5AC 0001:0004F373 D:\Program Files (x86)\Olympus Gaming Network\Cabal Online\mtp.dll
6374FFAB 06CEE5B4 0001:0004EFAB D:\Program Files (x86)\Olympus Gaming Network\Cabal Online\mtp.dll
6370A94B 06CEE5C0 0001:0000994B D:\Program Files (x86)\Olympus Gaming Network\Cabal Online\mtp.dll
6372E536 06CEF9C8 0001:0002D536 D:\Program Files (x86)\Olympus Gaming Network\Cabal Online\mtp.dll
63A00E89 06CEFF80 0004:0025EE89 D:\Program Files (x86)\Olympus Gaming Network\Cabal Online\mtp.dll
772562C4 06CEFF94 0000:00000000
77790719 06CEFFDC 0001:0005F719 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
777906E4 06CEFFEC 0001:0005F6E4 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

StackBase: 06CEE4F0
DumpSize: 2048
0x06CEE4F0: 63 73 6D E0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F2 A6 61 74
0x06CEE500: 03 00 00 00 20 05 93 19 A0 E5 CE 06 B4 7F 76 63
0x06CEE510: 00 00 00 00 00 50 51 01 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00
0x06CEE520: 31 2C BD 82 00 B0 3D 00 00 00 69 01 00 00 20 00
0x06CEE530: CC FF CE 06 20 E5 CE 06 0D B0 F1 F3 CC FF CE 06
0x06CEE540: F0 5E 7A 77 67 39 79 52 00 00 00 00 90 E5 CE 06
0x06CEE550: 9A 22 75 63 63 73 6D E0 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
0x06CEE560: 84 E5 CE 06 C0 2D 74 63 61 04 00 00 10 B6 6B 01
0x06CEE570: 63 73 6D E0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x06CEE580: 03 00 00 00 20 05 93 19 A0 E5 CE 06 B4 7F 76 63
0x06CEE590: AC E5 CE 06 73 03 75 63 A0 E5 CE 06 B4 7F 76 63
0x06CEE5A0: 14 13 76 63 1C 13 76 63 00 00 00 00 B4 E5 CE 06
0x06CEE5B0: AB FF 74 63 C0 E5 CE 06 4B A9 70 63 00 00 20 00
0x06CEE5C0: C8 F9 CE 06 36 E5 72 63 00 00 20 00 C0 2D 74 63
0x06CEE5D0: 61 04 00 00 10 B6 6B 01 03 01 00 00 00 F0 6D 00
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0x06CEE5F0: 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
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Quick test results ;
Fixed -AXP rate is so high, it's going crazy against mass of mobs. (8 hits in ca6. AP numbers in order ; 1-2-3-5-6-17-436-700)
Fixed -There's EXP bug as Optimus mentioned in game.
-Access Violation Error time in Win10 (aka. cabal crash, back to desktop, E06D7363 c++ error code [Check main.rpt] etc.) is 2 mins in party (tested at b3f,full group). I think custom textures causing this. Need deep research. It was like 10 mins before patch.
-Main site is slower than before due to pre-executed js. (Web coder will understand that.)

Suggestions & opinions;
-Starter kit has got nice dmg, but low defense. New players are having problems in dungeons because of defense, not offense.
-Dark Theme for main site. ( RIP eyes :] )
-Reduce pre-executed js on site. Performance > Quality.
-Redeem rewards/cost ratio is so low.
-Accountbound e-shop will kill economy & character progress.
-Ecoin skilbooks is bad idea, redeem reward was good.
-#makebladergreatagain . As blader player, only thing that we can is 45 sec retarget dmg and die in AC.
(I must say that; Old cabal players [in offical ofc] will know that when they buff/nerf cdi, amp will die/rise. When they buff/nerf amp, cdi will die/rise.
So ; bl/fs/fa for crit, wa/fb/wi for amp will rock the game [correct me if i'm wrong here]. There's no possible way to balance "all" characters. )

I'll edit this comment each time that i need to give feedback.
Last edited by a moderator:
On my personal opinion this redeem system thing is being forced too much because instead of being improved it became worse, how about looking a different kind of way of having players have a reason to play and to get busy because we all know the purpose of redeem system is to make players busy and to have reason to play and stay in this server, i have this idea where creating custom quest, a quest where you collect item drop from specific monsters F.E. Ancient Dragon , Golem etc also this idea has a lot of potential specially on adding drops needed in certain kinds of dungeons this includes low and unused dungeons, completing this task requires that drop to be able to get its rewards now before you redeem you need redeem coins to get that rewards so no need to remove RC in-case, this can also be like weekly quest or 5 days quest up to you, this is just an wild idea because i feel this redeem system now is kinda fucked up, still depends on you guys how you will look this idea, lastly don't get me wrong, i do dislike some of this update but not all the site is good the idea is there but still a lot of work needs to be done hope you find this useful MORE POWER OGN
~Agent Coupon Shop from 30 ec per 30 pieces (If i remember correctly was on eshop until the new update came ) to 500 ec per 30 pieces (after the new update) [Also it's been moved from Ecoin shop to 'N' Cash shop and it's also account bind]. How did that happened? a bit skeptical about that. Just like you guys did on costume moving it from eshop to in game and increasing the price as the result which i don't understand why you guys did that old costumes was like 500 ec from eshop before you moved it in-game, in-game the price is now 700 ec. Was the logic behind it is for it to become more accessible for players? But why increase the price though....You just have to spend like 3 minutes to visit the eshop before and voila' there goes you're costume. Just don't understand the logic behind it seriously....
They killed players that not "pay to win" , ggwp . POH drop rate still same , didn't fix as promise , instead of add amount of player on one channel why not add one more channel , yes indeed it's the same but 2 channel full and 4 channel full , I rather pick 4 channel full . It is called "first impressions" . Now , not even one channel full . New player just came and leave , great ....
Increase all price , kill non pay to win players , and make 50 % donation bonus lel ....
This new patch is seriously ridiculous, Basically a Newbie Killer Patch. If you have done any research you will know that the set provided to the new characters can barely survive at dont even have to talk about dungeons. Honor Rank Requirements Ruin lots of new players. Even if they managed to get Zwei Set they cant even equip it due to the Honor Rank Requirement. Rank 13 for Zwei is nearly 50m Points, Rank 15 for BOF+8 Which is pretty damn high. I think Redeems will not be any players first priority now(Some Might not even Redeem). I hope some changes will be made for the Honor Ranks Requirements(Remove it is even better) and Adjustment to the Price in Ecoins Shop. Have a Nice day.
Hey :)
Guys I believe you really don't know how to give constructive feedback, at all, you don't know how to be organized and how to build your opinions ...
You are very pessimistic and genativist every time, like the world will end the next day.
Understand that this is NOT PERMANENT! You are acting like you have to love this, like someone forces you to embrace these updates, NOT!
There are so many to explain but I think I will not finish till tomorrow :)

Don't get me wrong, I also have Cons against this update, some are big also but we need you all to feedback us how it should be, like:
Don't go and observe things for 5-10 mins and then come and say: "ooo you ruined everything, that is too hard, that is wrong modified, you will lose ..." etc; NOT like that!
As players is our duty to collect as much info as possible in a period of time(days), see how it was before and how is now; Obviously this is new system, new many things some things don't work by just comparing.
The main point is, MAKE A LIST of things that you like and you don't like about the recent Update, point out with solid arguments, that something is changed it will affect other, that will affect other, etc; Again, not: "you increased that, its harder, you lose players this way" NOT!
Also note in that list things that can be changed to avoid the chain of affected things, ideas of how that bad change can be improved.
Also, stop this thing with supporting other's thread with likes, agrees, that makes things worse when the feedback text looks so pessimistic and for sure Admins will not take that in consideration.
And, I know there are people that don't know english that good, as good players of this server, we must encourage them to give their feedback to us, in the language both sides know(if english its too much or if they are "scared to post it themselves") and WE must make that list, from above, and post it :)
Do something what OneThousandCut did, but be a little more explicit :)

Now, let me try to explain, short, what is the purpose of this update, if Cykros was not explicit enough :)
1. From now on the EXP its JUST for redeeming, the rates will be adjusted, for sure!
2. The redeem system, is something new, I heard the rewards are worse than before, really? do you remember when people complained about that last steps, I believe the last 4 or 5, were you get 5 ecoins and 1 basic+ 1 random from list, with Req of 500m alz and 1k rcoins? That was absurd and still people redeem, many till 300; Remember, now its INFINITE!
This is test phase, as we, few people can't test these, only a large number, like you can, no one says to redeem till your eyes get out, see if its really ok, in terms of time+req+rewards :)
The bosses will have another purpose, mainly related to the new bind/unbind system; It was fun to only grind them for huge EXP but that was the only thing, when they were not, people "cried" they can't find one of the 2 and can't redeem. This way we make LVLing possible anywhere: maps, dungeons. This was also changed due to hackers abusing the 2 bosses to get Ecoins very, very fast, problem solved! Yes, hackers, sooner or later, no matter what protection we have they will appear, unfortunately.
3. Loot boxes, TEST THEM! See if you get useless items, point them out, if there are, etc
4. Starting gear, is very fine! We wanted to make the new players and new chars to not go, haha, NF from the start, then with the old limitless set to go KFC, hunt Zwei, then acquire PCHH, these in less than 1 week. Where is the long term fun in farming? People get bored very fast, if they acquire items very fast. Yes, this process doesn't have to be absurd, to take months.
5. N Shop, this is temporary, most likely, no one forces you to buy things, instantly, maybe there are some absurd changes but point them out and explain why are bad, not just there are bad :P
6. Honor rank requirements: I can not explain too much, is that, one way its good to have Requirements, its challenging, but now its exaggerated.

7. As an end game player or on the way to, NEVER speak in the name of the Newbies! You must encourage them, again, to give their feedback, to us to tell it here, or to do it themselves.

In the end, I believe you will get old till you reach this last sentence =)) Please provide constructive feedback, only related to this update, you won't die in 1 week or 2!

P.S. : You people that abused this morning's BUGs, you should be ashamed of yourselves! -_- This makes us believe the only thing you want is to destroy not to play! You are lucky we did not enforce the rules, rules that you should know!
I am very proud about the ones that reported the BUGs, they are an example and everyone should follow them; too bad there are so few ...

Have a nice day/night!

We were expecting a very great update because the admins and staffs kept on telling the community that the incoming updates for January would be very exciting. I don't even know how to express this kind of frustration.
1. Redeem system has reduced the e-coin reward. Level cap was increase even though the experience we can gain is reduced drastically.
2. Items on the in-game shop are account bound. How can we trade or sell our e-coins.
3. POH drop rate still wasn't fixed and you made palladium gears above wearable at HR 15. How could the players catch up to the older ones? In terms of gaining honor and items, its much harder now.
4. You only fix minor problems like siena bracelets, mercenary cards.
5. Bugs on TG like ghost kill and attack-range visual bug was IGNORED.
6. You know that the number of players have increased but the best thing you could do is to expand the player capacity instead of adding more channel/s.
7. Maximum of 3 basics per redeem. You just made this game harder for newbies. You could have asked the staffs who are in-game if the new ones are staying. But you didn't. Only the older ones are staying because the new ones find it very hard to catch-up to the old ones. This is supposed to be a high-rate server, but now look at it.
8. YOU NEVER LEARN. How many times do you have to disappoint the community? You keep changing the game-play of the server 2 or 3 times a year. You keep on saying that the updates you are making will benefit us but it doesn't. You already know how the number of players have declined because of your fail updates which makes no sense.
9. YOU SHOULD MAKE VOTING POLLS when you are planning for game changes and updates. Because it is more important to view how the players think about the updates. Most of the updates you give are disappointing. How many times do you have to do this before you learn?
11. YOU ARE MAKING THIS GAME A "PAY-TO-WIN". This is the only high-rate server where getting armors and honor is like playing on a low-rate server. Yet again, you have lost players. Just when the game is improving, you decided to make it crappy AGAIN. You should have stick to the old game play. #SIGNINGOFFuninstall
Considering what you said Opti, I'll try giving some of my impressions(of course some I also heard from other players):

1. Exp Rate is very very slow now, considering we have no more to cover only 10 lvs to redeem as they got doubled, it took me 45 minutes of mob grinding with bb 200% exp activated in Sellenia to reach lv 200, and that one is the major map where get decent exp due to its large amount of mobs.
To get other examples I made not nearly 1 level and a half doing Eod b3f(once one of the most 'expful' dungeons) and also in CA6 exp isn't that nice, except for that 'bug' that is pending on potion of experience, that gives 150m exp ea(no bad, but I think u guys just forgot to fix this).

2. New Redeem System: I'd like to say that I didn't tried it yet, cause I saw the high cost a single redeem has(75m alz +650 RC), and that's probably why people are avoding it for now, yeah u're right, once u could spend billions for few redeems, but u did that cause u know that there was a possible reward that was awaiting for you! That said I'd suggest at least to increase the amount of basics given, or the cost will make people just give up on this.

3. Some people complaining also for SP regeneration by not using battle modes/aura, I noticed too that it got dropped down almost on official server rate, honestly it's not the biggest problem imho cause I have remote shop card and so i can buy Fury Pots where/when I want(10x 1m not that much), but maybe for some player's sake you could check also this :)

4. eCoins Items account bound when purchased: well, one of the biggest reson to complain I guess, this could literally kill game economy, and also make this server a P2W one, who can donate may have all accessories/bikes and so on, a newbie that hasn't this possibility(yet) is just forced to have some dropped accessories, or if someone is willing to donate cause he lacks alz and want to sell some eC to get money, he can't cause items are bound to acco. Also this affect redeeming too, since endgame players will full equips and best accessories won't be motivated to redeem and get eC, since they are already done with set and they can't sell eCoins, so why they have to redeem?;)

5. Honor: well, people is having hard times upgrading their honor due to the drop rate of PoHs that is basically near 0(other ways are far too long)
it was a bad moment imho to introduce some requisites in armors, accessories and rings, especially for new players that got no chances to farm their honor class till 20 previously...I'd suggest to fix drop rates and maybe then add those requisites, or lower them, to find a solution basically.

6. Golem/Dragons: personally I like the idea of having some alternatives for redeeming, being that normal mobs in map or dung, so to decrease the importance of these bosses for redeem, always if u'll fix exp rate.

I tried being polite, I apologize if I made some writing errors, I hope this will help you staff guys understand what are the problems regarding last changes.
Honor ranks requirements : seriously get rid of them asap -_-" why should anyone be forced to farm honor for basically everything (expecially with that ridiculous poh drops rate which you still didn't fix) ? hell i need honor even to learn runes wtf xD hr 14 for an hp steal rune/amp rune 15 for mcr/damage ones ... then rings leth ring 13 a.leth 16 tempus 16 :| doesn't make any sense.

eShop : why can't you just switch back to everything unbound,it was soooo much better before your started with this everything's bound thingy :/

Skills books : ye sure 1680 coins for 30 atk 13 def np with everything bound of course and hr 19 required lel

Redeem/levelling system : it's like dunno the 4-5 time you revamp it and yet each time you managed to do it worser than the previous one xD while the old system didn't make any sense (expecially latest ranks) it also doesn't make sense for each redeem to be 75m alz/635 rc .. and the rewards as well look like really unrewarding meh.About levelling making dragon/golem pointless exp wise wasn't a good move at all,it's simply hell of a lot slower to lure a group of mobs kill them lure them again and repeat,redeeming time goes greatly up this way ... (people couldn't find bosses ? it really didn't cross your mind you could simply greatly lower the spawn times and/or add more bosses ?)

Starter set : looks like the only decent thing about this up gj.

Site : like it as well (still wondering how on earth it took you from ~april 2016 to do it lmao)

To conclude before digging all the way inside this major updates you should really fix all the problems from the previous up,selfquoting
To sums it up :
Review coins drop rate
Review poh drop rate and/or give people a decent (aka fast) way to farm their honor and for the 93846 time bear in your mind it's an H-I-G-H rates server (and this goes for loooots of things on whole server dunno if/when you'll ever get this lol)
Review entries drop rate
Review basic elements drop rate
Get rid of all those helm/weaps slotted with double rate they're seriously pointless
Get back to stuff dropping with empty slots or at most 1 slot filled with amp,let people decide what to put inside (if anything just leave the double amp slots on armors,that's fine)
Chaos Infinity drop table is pure nonsense review it (and while you're at it make the whole dungeon decent aka remove the 1hitko feature and balance mobs damage,it's a completely wasted dungeon atm)
As always, we would like to hear players opinion and we will adjust what needs to be adjusted.
I will explain a few things because many users are not patient enough to give us time to fix or change things that were not meant to make into the update or they simply were added with the incorrect version (like the account bound items in the shop which we have a generator and accidentally was incorrectly set on many).
Anyway here are some details:

  • Compare
    • Old Redeem:
      • Redeem Limit: 300
      • Req. RC to max redeem: 247.500
      • Req. Alz to max redeem:
      • eCoins rewarded till max redeem: 5.100
    • New Redeem:
      • Redeem Limit: INFINITE
      • Req. RC per redeem: 635
      • Req. Alz per redeem: 75.000.000
      • eCoins rewarded per redeem: 5-20 depending on your luck
    • Conclusion:
      • For the same amount of RC you can get to 389 redeems
      • For the same amount of Alz you can get to 535 redeems
      • With the same amount of redeems (previous limit 300) you can get 1.500-6.000 ecoins depending on your luck
      • We do not take in consideration here, that you are gaining extra RC and Alz while leveling
      • Important point is that the new redeem system has no limits, which means if you redeem 1.000 times you also get 5.000-20.000 ecoins
      • Loot Box rewards contain many items (randomized) that were never available in the old redeem system and are valuable
    • Loot Box rewards are subject to change and improve based on the feedback we get (basic/rare/unique elements)
  • Website
    • The previous developer who was in charge of the website has done half job then abandoned the project somwhere near the end of last year
    • The current developer has taken over that project and reworked it almost completely with the help of Cykros and myself
    • It did take long even this way, but note that the website contains about 500 files as its core (custom built framework for dragona and cabal) and a few more hundred for widgets, modules and templates
    • Few of the modules are currently activated because the game update required for other modules to properly function are not yet available, so once the game gets the update, the website module will be activated as well
  • Account Bound Shop Items
    • As I mentioned above, many of these made it into the update by mistake and there is an upcoming fix for it
  • Over Priced Items
    • Same as the account bound items, the upcoming changes will apply to these as well
  • As for the other things from your feedback, we already have a set of them waiting to be pushed live such as the honor gaining
Hope this will answer a few questions, and before going into rage mode how huge the requirements are and how unrewarding the redeem is, please put yourself up to date with proper information and even do some math. You will see that the numbers aren't on the wrong side.

As always, we are open to suggestions. Please let us know how we can improve and we will try our best to make it.
First of all thanks for answer! I would like to say just that u can't compare old system with the current one(in fact ppl stopped near 200 redeems, as it was not worth going ahead, except for some old players with plenty of alz)..that said I really appreciated again this explanation!:)
Numbers only gives a "superficial" overview about it ... what's going to make the difference is the time needed to redeem,i'd really like to see someone doing 1k redeems with the current exp rate and by purely doing map grinding :rolleyes: same goes with the rewards it's all about the % you set for decent stuff as well as the % of getting a good amount of eC.That said wasn't raging at all more like providing feedback like i've doing for the last year and half~
Now i get so SLOW AP
10 millions AXP = 1 AP = 10m EXP (without bonus)
normal 1 hit ~ 200k EXP >> 50 hits and more = 1 AP
35000 hit and more = 700 AP =~ 44k seconds with Bm3 non stop
so u suggest 2x EXP to 5x EXP = AXP.
Amount admin choose
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I actually prefer the old redeem system with fixed ecoin reward which doesn't depends on luck also the rewards are pretty good too once you reach a certain bracket you could get like 7 unique. This update is really ''Newbie Patch Killer''

We were expecting a very great update because the admins and staffs kept on telling the community that the incoming updates for January would be very exciting. I don't even know how to express this kind of frustration.
1. Redeem system has reduced the e-coin reward. Level cap was increase even though the experience we can gain is reduced drastically.
2. Items on the in-game shop are account bound. How can we trade or sell our e-coins.
3. POH drop rate still wasn't fixed and you made palladium gears above wearable at HR 15. How could the players catch up to the older ones? In terms of gaining honor and items, its much harder now.
4. You only fix minor problems like siena bracelets, mercenary cards.
5. Bugs on TG like ghost kill and attack-range visual bug was IGNORED.
6. You know that the number of players have increased but the best thing you could do is to expand the player capacity instead of adding more channel/s.
7. Maximum of 3 basics per redeem. You just made this game harder for newbies. You could have asked the staffs who are in-game if the new ones are staying. But you didn't. Only the older ones are staying because the new ones find it very hard to catch-up to the old ones. This is supposed to be a high-rate server, but now look at it.
8. YOU NEVER LEARN. How many times do you have to disappoint the community? You keep changing the game-play of the server 2 or 3 times a year. You keep on saying that the updates you are making will benefit us but it doesn't. You already know how the number of players have declined because of your fail updates which makes no sense.
9. YOU SHOULD MAKE VOTING POLLS when you are planning for game changes and updates. Because it is more important to view how the players think about the updates. Most of the updates you give are disappointing. How many times do you have to do this before you learn?
11. YOU ARE MAKING THIS GAME A "PAY-TO-WIN". This is the only high-rate server where getting armors and honor is like playing on a low-rate server. Yet again, you have lost players. Just when the game is improving, you decided to make it crappy AGAIN. You should have stick to the old game play. #SIGNINGOFFuninstall

I totally agree to all of this. Take a few minutes to read this :D
As always, we would like to hear players opinion and we will adjust what needs to be adjusted.
I will explain a few things because many users are not patient enough to give us time to fix or change things that were not meant to make into the update or they simply were added with the incorrect version (like the account bound items in the shop which we have a generator and accidentally was incorrectly set on many).
Anyway here are some details:

  • Compare
    • Old Redeem:
      • Redeem Limit: 300
      • Req. RC to max redeem: 247.500
      • Req. Alz to max redeem:
      • eCoins rewarded till max redeem: 5.100
    • New Redeem:
      • Redeem Limit: INFINITE
      • Req. RC per redeem: 635
      • Req. Alz per redeem: 75.000.000
      • eCoins rewarded per redeem: 5-20 depending on your luck
    • Conclusion:
      • For the same amount of RC you can get to 389 redeems
      • For the same amount of Alz you can get to 535 redeems
      • With the same amount of redeems (previous limit 300) you can get 1.500-6.000 ecoins depending on your luck
      • We do not take in consideration here, that you are gaining extra RC and Alz while leveling
      • Important point is that the new redeem system has no limits, which means if you redeem 1.000 times you also get 5.000-20.000 ecoins
      • Loot Box rewards contain many items (randomized) that were never available in the old redeem system and are valuable
    • Loot Box rewards are subject to change and improve based on the feedback we get (basic/rare/unique elements)
  • Website
    • The previous developer who was in charge of the website has done half job then abandoned the project somwhere near the end of last year
    • The current developer has taken over that project and reworked it almost completely with the help of Cykros and myself
    • It did take long even this way, but note that the website contains about 500 files as its core (custom built framework for dragona and cabal) and a few more hundred for widgets, modules and templates
    • Few of the modules are currently activated because the game update required for other modules to properly function are not yet available, so once the game gets the update, the website module will be activated as well
  • Account Bound Shop Items
    • As I mentioned above, many of these made it into the update by mistake and there is an upcoming fix for it
  • Over Priced Items
    • Same as the account bound items, the upcoming changes will apply to these as well
  • As for the other things from your feedback, we already have a set of them waiting to be pushed live such as the honor gaining
Hope this will answer a few questions, and before going into rage mode how huge the requirements are and how unrewarding the redeem is, please put yourself up to date with proper information and even do some math. You will see that the numbers aren't on the wrong side.

As always, we are open to suggestions. Please let us know how we can improve and we will try our best to make it.

You are open for suggestion but when will you do those suggestions?
Are you going to do it when almost all player's quit, specially the new player.
If you are really open for suggestions then why you guys didnt bring back the POH drop rate.
You make your own server sink.
Go to the game right now you see how much player deducted already.
Just saying.
Ok normal i dont write in Forum becauce my english sucks. But now i want say something. You mae a few good thinks and a few bad thinks.

Good is ...

... you work hard on webside and game and dont stay on a level.
... you can now delate chars from login interface.
... you add new stuff.

Bad is ...

... you change to much at same time.
... you dont ask player ingma or in Forum with a survey or what ever.

Normal i have more to say. But to i thing that is enough. In my eyes you make 2 big mistakes. The First is that you change to redeem system. The old one was good. When you only change sonething on the old one it was perfect. On the old system new and older player can redeem. This change now is for new player only a pain. You are say that you can now infinity and you can spend with last redeem ( old system ) now around 300 time in new system. Good for 10 player was hit 300 redeems. But the rest have now trouble.

Redeem Limit: INFINITE
Req. RC per redeem: 635
Req. Alz per redeem: 75.000.000

old system

redeem 1-10

500.000 alz

redeem 11-20

600.000 alz


So when you say now its better you wrong. I like the old and the new system. But change the new system a bit more back to the old one. i hope you understand what i want to say. i give a exemple.

redeem 1-100

Redeem Limit: INFINITE
Req. RC per redeem: 300
Req. Alz per redeem: 25.000.000

redeem 101-300

Redeem Limit: INFINITE
Req. RC per redeem: 600
Req. Alz per redeem: 50.000.000

redeem 301-500

Redeem Limit: INFINITE
Req. RC per redeem: 800
Req. Alz per redeem: 75.000.000

redeem 500- ...

Redeem Limit: INFINITE
Req. RC per redeem: 1000
Req. Alz per redeem: 100.000.000

The second one is to change LVL from items to HR. That make it so hard for newbies to stay in game. You lower the drop rate for poh and then you change the system to a HR based one ? Now you need to play 2-3 month to hit HR13 ( zwei frame ) and 5 month to HR15 and more. Its good to hold player in game but when you want play on a fun server i want make dungen and TG not grinde 24/7 for equip what i have 3 month in my warehouse because i can not use it with high HR.
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