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Very Fast Hp-Regen

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First of all i want to thank the admins for giving us a great update
im talking about the warcubes "rare element/silver reward"
tons are joining nation after that update!! :h::h::h:

But apart from that theres still some issue why a certain FA can do HP-Regen so fast
its like the fast you hit her, the fast she regens HP lol, and the funny thing is... its her VS 6 Chaos-Geared Opponents =))=))
she kept on mentioning drei's Auto-Heal option but hey if you equipped drei your defense must be like dreis and not like chaos', if you got autoheal option how did you hit like chaos full MSA, EOS w/ damge bike?

we're asking GM's to monitor her during NWar b/c afaik drei's Autoheal option was downgraded but now its like she just 10x the heal effect..
we're feeling like an ALIEN joins the human world lol

you're all right, im referring to MaiTrang

Jaybolty Cykros Ergo
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We had this issue before too, it ruins the gameplay for me and it's very disturbing, i will talk about it in the Staff Chat and hopefully the admins will do something about it.

Especially that everyone is trying to get it now...
Well, u are talking abaut a certain FA, in this case Mai(didn't know, lol), not only if u ask me, i have seen another FA in TG but a proc one and it was faster than before while drei had that big HP regen .... don't know really from where is that amount O.O In my opinion its a Hack that is not detectable, yet ;)
Well, u are talking abaut a certain FA, in this case Mai(didn't know, lol), not only if u ask me, i have seen another FA in TG but a proc one and it was faster than before while drei had that big HP regen .... don't know really from where is that amount O.O In my opinion its a Hack that is not detectable, yet ;)
MaiTrang first joined PROC before CAP :D
im certain b/c i partied with her and shes the only FA doing that
CL reported a WA and rumors says it's MaiTrang's WA, am not sure about that
both from Vietgames guild
Im here =))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))
Im sure that was me coz only me in capside use Auto heal
I will tell for you all how i got it:

1. My m.att on basic is 1930 with EOS - I'll use EOS when i want
2. My flee on basic is 33%
3. I dont use Drei set with auto heal
4. Auto heal now low amount
5. On BM3 i can destroy 1 party from procyon without FB
and WHY ? That is my skill on PK...i wont share
6. Very much players who know me : Im very weak in pvp, but im so strong in PK. Coz my way is always PK. I run PK all map in TG who fight together with me know it
7. Good luck and cya in TG :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
P/S: That WA in CL' video was not me. My WA doesnt complete gear and wep
Oh i forgot ^.^ My resist crit rate with saint' buff + SI Wiz is 65%

Question: Where is your dmg on me if u cant make crit ?
Answer: MISS if u dont use combo - Why MISS ---> im sure i got 95% flee rate on BM3.
Question: Why I always run when i got low HP ?
Answer: My HP will up and up+ use HP NW when possible. Dont tell me you dont know it :giggle:
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zera just look which options some gear have that hp autoheal all think it come from 3frame ? sure they set it down but it´s still there ;) and it´s no hack just people who found a way to get it :P
Im sure i will die if have a FB there but with intelligent FB :cool::cool::cool: coz im not a God :p:p:p + 95% Flee rate is not MAX like BL' buff in Official, i still receive yo' DMG
like what Noctis said,Cykros need to see this and he is the only one who can decide what he will do to it.Mai is Not Using Any Hack or Such!!!
Yes, don't know why Mai was accused but nvm, i have seen the chaos gear and yes is like the old drei and is possible to have that hp regen, but still, what i saw was too damn fast ^^
Im here =))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))=))
Im sure that was me coz only me in capside use Auto heal
I will tell for you all how i got it:

1. My m.att on basic is 1930 with EOS - I'll use EOS when i want
2. My flee on basic is 33%
3. I dont use Drei set with auto heal
4. Auto heal now low amount
5. On BM3 i can destroy 1 party from procyon without FB
and WHY ? That is my skill on PK...i wont share
6. Very much players who know me : Im very weak in pvp, but im so strong in PK. Coz my way is always PK. I run PK all map in TG who fight together with me know it
7. Good luck and cya in TG :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
P/S: That WA in CL' video was not me. My WA doesnt complete gear and wep
Oh i forgot ^.^ My resist crit rate with saint' buff + SI Wiz is 65%

Question: Where is your dmg on me if u cant make crit ?
Answer: MISS if u dont use combo - Why MISS ---> im sure i got 95% flee rate on BM3.
Question: Why I always run when i got low HP ?
Answer: My HP will up and up+ use HP NW when possible. Dont tell me you dont know it :giggle:

flee rate effect is NORMAL
resist crate effect is NORMAL
The "QUESTION" were asking is: why a certain FA can do HP-Regen so fast
its like the fast you hit her, the fast she regens? its just like "HP Steal^^"

and with that Very fast HP-Regen, you can pk all you want, no "pk skill" needed
Acid ALL what you say coz You envy me coz u dont have " it " like me :cool:, COZ U ALWAYS LOSE ME haha :D. I spent a lots of my free times in AC dungeon and I got it with a lucky like win a jackpot.
I still have all power with FULL CHAOS GEAR, but i lost much amp, however, i still have POTION from Latern BOSS + AMP POTION lv4 in NW.
My way is PK so I must survival as high as possible. How u can make my HP down if all your dmg is always MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS =))......if u use combo, i'll run away when i got LOW HP......and it makes u MAD =))
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