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Prepare for major gameplay changes

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Staff member
Professional Enchanter
Oct 20, 2014
This weekend me , X and Ergo along with the other staff members have been thinking of an way to bring back the life into the server.

We have more ideas but 1 thing is 100% sure, we are going to change the redeem system and it will not depend on the character levels anymore, also we want to make the server a medium rate one and maybe all new characters will start from level 130 (so they will have the BM1/2 and 3 like the characters have now), if this will be done then it will be normal that all current characters will have their level set to 130 to be able to take advantage of the new redeem system rewards. And before saying what about your time spent in-game I would like to remind you all that for the redeems you guys did and leveled up from 190 to 200 you all got eCoins and bonus items which will remain so I really think you guys (old players) will benefit more then lose from this new system.

The redeem system maybe be moved in-game so it will no longer require you to go out of the game every time.

Leveling up from 130 to 200 will not be very easy so you guys will have something to do for a while :p
A new TG will be open for character between level 150->169

We want to make new players and old ones have fun the same time but the hard truth is that the way we have the server build now starting with level 190 its impossible until the new players get the end game gear.

What we want from you guys is to reply to this post and tell us now what you don't like about the current server build and come with a very detailed reply and don't hold anything back so we can remove this "mistakes" on the next game-play update.
Well, I do not play that much for some months now, but one thing is for sure, you really need to bring up that new SITE ;) that is in my opinion the first step in changing this server again in a very popular one, like it was back in NOV 2015 - FEB/MAR 2016 :p
Well, I do not play that much for some months now, but one thing is for sure, you really need to bring up that new SITE ;) that is in my opinion the first step in changing this server again in a very popular one, like it was back in NOV 2015 - FEB/MAR 2016 :p
Why do you think that the new site will bring life to the game-play?
1. OP items to be adjusted.
I mean there must be room for improvement or experiments and luck to make the game play more exiting. With the 100% possibility of obtaining pure amp gears, there is no room to dream, to strive and to hope for a better gear. And the product is, we got bored coz everyone wears the same thing. No more suspense. Only differs now in skills with the keyboards.
ISSUE: We have max out AMP in the sets that needs to be addressed or possibly changed.
Suggestion: How about set a limiter so that we can have room for guessing, luck and dreaming or something to drool with. :)
Example Chaos Gear - Armor: Max Craft of Amp can be permitted and amp can ONLY be available in one slot. And the remaining 2 slots can be anything from flee, attack, mcr, def, etc; provided except MCR that is, every options must be raised in order to balance everything. Depending on the preference of the player, for example if a player decides to become a flee type it can be worth it. if he decides to be a def type or attack type, then those slots can be filled appropriately. I dont know if it can be done but my point is, everyone should have to guess what the other player is wearing. If there is a suspense, it will be thrilling.
2. Set Effects (Chaos Epaulets - EOG)
I suggest that for EOG - it must not be attack attribute; it must be purely defense options like RCR/ RSA/Flee. Note that EOF/EOS have already the attacked attribute bonuses if is in SET.
3. High end Accessories must be Quested in game especially from DG and not from Eshop. But set the chances that it can be possible and attainable. Like for example the Siena Bracelet, people didnt pursue the quest or non of us made a perfect one because its really hard to get one and expensive - we ended up giving up coz its near impossible to obtain. So its like a rotten tomato and was spoiled. How about a Quest same as gathering bunch of items then exchanging it to accessories like Def Earring / Sienna Bracelet - like what we are doing if there is an event from YUL. It might be exciting, It will take some time gathering items but it will be possible at least. And make quest item tradable in order to maintain the economy.
4. Upgrades for the Belts
Most people dont gave a damn on making from +1 belt for upgrading it to +3. Why? it is because the additional attributes are very low. My point is, there must be substantial effect of every upgrades whatever the item maybe so that people will religiously pursue.
5. Daily event, weekly event or anything. It means - consistent and standard events hosted by GMs. Not the usual Hide and seek for kids, oh puhleassssse. Well i guess i made such comment before in other threads, not just a comment but an essay but i guess i was never heard of.
6. Regarding the redeeming (if the server wish to pursue that is), i made my point there at MaiTrang's thread as well.
7. I almost forgot, make the server easy to DL and played. That maybe the reason few are not joining coz its hard to install the game. They just give up before even trying at all. (I should have not raised this issue but to the fact that most new recruits and old players alike complain of having a hard time activating the game.)
8. BM2 special skill for each class needs to be activated or implemented. As of current effects, nrmal skill is more powerful than the special skills.
9. Also reward people who are always online even if they are AFK ( TPoints or Ecoin, anything may do). This will encourage people to stay in game and will create a positive effect at the future. The most notable effect can be, if new players will see that the server is populated then they will tend to stay and join the server. I for example, when i notice that the server has few players began to search for another community. My personal no. 1 criteria is NUMBERS of players. If it is more, the better.
But honestly, even OGN has limited number of players i really like the game play and customization options which is very unique.

Thats all i can say.

Well i will try to think something else. And the bottom line is, make every one excited everyday in playing.
Thanks. Thats all folks. Peace..
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You guys "promised" a new site, especially for bikes bind/unbind(that many people are waiting for), so yes is a big step, not necessary related to the game play itself :)
As you said before the site it will also be more easier to use so, popular ;)
Just my opinion after all :D
Short question? What is so hard to download a zip and extract it or use the launcher to download the whole game files?

And about the amp items how do you suggest that we get rid of the current ones if we even think of this?
For me I liked this concept of having a survey to the players what may we add to our lovely server and also plans and ideas for us to encourage players to come and join us, okay I want to be straight like you said “no holding back”, first of all I want to point out the damage of senil boss too much and too wide, you don’t need to always reduce 5% overall just consider the damage that every class can handle, it’s frustrating sometimes getting hard hits on last set we could do better on this aspect. I know you wanted to be this bosses to be hunted in party but TBH that party can be wiped no joke unlike before this def update the damage of bosses are okay at that time so yeah my point is before doing some major update , changes or upgrades fix this damage thing first consider that everyone can farm items not too easy but also not too hard.

Now for the idea of things to add on the server maybe some kind of special items that takes time to farm take advantage of that V-coin system, crafting is the center of this server so maybe some craft materials that can only be obtain thru V-coin shop combined with Redeem & War so everyone will participate on war because they will need it some point in time, adding costumes I see not all costume are available and missing in this server this is minor but still can be interesting to have,

I have an issue on the belt the difference is too low but to craft is too hard how about removing that sage guardian fighter and overall CHAOS BELT that can be upgraded to +10 or above we have this all ATK UP and ALL SKILL AMP to work oon combined with def so it will be less hustle all in 1 to be exact,

Lastly I don’t like the idea of having lvl 150-169 war my reason is the current lvl 170-200 war is not enough meaning not many players participating imagine splitting it by half then it’s like a ghost town there this server need to focus on how majority of players attend to war before adding lvl 150-169 war like I said at the top adding things that can be obtain in war that everyone may be interested on, craft material and crafting are good to focus on.

That’s all I think for now, I appreciate all the effort of the staffs to make this server better and fair for all I look forward on to new updates you make come up to. More power OGN…
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As for me, I really appreciate that u staff are looking for feedback from players as stated by orher members of the community..this said down with mine:

Personally I have just a couple of things I don' t like(of those expressed): this is a private server, and imo the current rates are fine, making it a medium rate server is just pointless, cause people comes here because this should be an easier version of the official server, changing into a more difficult game would not be very attractive for both new and old players, considering also that new redeems will alrdy be harder cause they'll start from lv 130 and not from 190!
Second thing is Tg: as stated by Yukina is not so "populated" alrdy by both sides, dividing it into two categories based on different levels would be a huge mistake..maybe I should not tell this but many players that left this server did it for another with most enjoyable TGs, where u're not 6 vs 6 but like 60 vs 60, teamwork is always fun ;D

As for what suggested by gyrd4fearX I kinda like his suggestion, except that one of crafted gear with limitation, as I think current gear is fine( ofc maybe find other ways to make one char different from another)
Hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings writing this, If i did I apologize but keep in mind this is just what I think...and yes, MOAR POWER TO OGN!:D
Oh boy ... this is gonna be long brace yourself :
Starting from your ideas on 1st post : making it a med rates server ? forget it lol people are here to play an high rate server you can't simply change the whole server concept like that,meat is meat and fish is fish.Actually you should do the opposite aka try to realize that it is an HIGH rates server which means stuff has to be easier to achieve ... one of the reasons you have a few new players ? Someone starting now won't go anywhere w/o donating as simple as that.Newcomers are like "cool so chaos is the endgame here what i have to do to get it ?" "hey man it's np best way is to craft it,you only need to farm a few hundreds of unique elements which aren't easy at all to obtain,some other materials and a few dozens of billions for your jewelry then you're done".

Redeem system now : you tried already (and failed already) to improve it,point is system itself isn't even bad but you just can't understand that rewards have to be decent ... forget all that stupid temporary jewerly,potions of any kind,cores and all that junk you currently get.People want just 2 things from redeems elements and coins and guess what ? Coins aren't worth the effort (expecially since the latest redeems gives you less and less instead of more and more lol) and elements are only a small part among the above said junk (brilliant also to put them on latest ranks instead of first ones where people need them the most lol)

Splitting wars ? Again it's a form of irony right ? Forget it,stop doing stuff which splits people around simply because there aren't enough people for that (and this goes for wars,for servers (*cough* titan,na *cough*) for games (dragonica ... let's see how long it will last).Also accept it people are here for cabal just give 'em cabal and put 100% of your resources on that not on other projects.

Overall wrong things : the biggest gameplay issue here is (and has always been tbh) one -> FA are ridiculously op (ye /flameon all fa out there couldn't care less if you can't deal with reality) which leads to 80% of players playing FA and apparently that still doesn't ring like a bell for you.You've been messing around with everything (set effects,stats,craft values,slots values,resists,whatever) except the only thing you should focus on : Balance the damn archers -__-" .. details ? fa already have the best bm3 on ep8 output difference with other bms is embarassing (spoiler note : whole game spins around bm3) and yet you gave it the best 4th synergy out there (ye bullet of craps completly outgun all the other synergies) perfect.You builded the hardest dungeon of the game around fa .. melee classes (but even wi's since they have lower range) can't do shit at Coltron w/o wasting a ton of povs,fa ? np bm2 from 999 range and cya,last boss ? same crap every non-fa who doesn't want to spend a crapload of povs have to sit on the floor,fa ? np bm2 pew-pew until it dies ..woow nice teamplay there seriously :/ They have everything damage,aoe,range,that stupidly high knockdown % getting you down constantly even when they simply combo on you lol the only things lacking are the movement speed of a wi and the def/hp of a wa lol but you don't need those when your opponent dies before he can even get within his attack range right ^^ and i could go on but hope you got the picture already.

Pointless dungeons : been said 100 times already why the hell everything has to spin around those boring CAs to get your basic elements (strictly referreing to a way involving dungeons not redeems) ? Every dungeon except ca is snobbed and that's right since you get only craps there.High tier dungeons ? pointless as well,once you got your tempus cya eod3 and once you got your tyrant/a.tyrant cya ft2/aft2 .. MO ? pointless with decent zwei/eins never dropping at all etc etc silly drops everywhere.

I'll also say it again these kind of threads are senseless if you never listen to anything ffs you guys always do stuff that nobody ask for and indeed keep ignoring stuff been asked,like seriously let's have a look at the suggestion section, a ton of "sticky" and/or "being implemented" stuff which is there since dec 2k15~april 2k16 c'mon ffs don't pin everything up if you're gonna forget about it in like a week lol work on 1 thing at time and possibly let it be asked things (and here im talking about the whole elements thing when caps were perfectly fine and none was complaining,chaos set effects,belts upgrade system made harder and harder just cuz ye if you don't farm 24/7/365 for it it's not "fun" etc etc etc)

Have fun reading =))
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i love this update..btw sir can you balance the stats of all character? i think that the stats are not balance in terms of attack specially for FS i think there attack is a little bit too high..
This weekend me , X and Ergo along with the other staff members have been thinking of an way to bring back the life into the server.

We have more ideas but 1 thing is 100% sure, we are going to change the redeem system and it will not depend on the character levels anymore, also we want to make the server a medium rate one and maybe all new characters will start from level 130 (so they will have the BM1/2 and 3 like the characters have now), if this will be done then it will be normal that all current characters will have their level set to 130 to be able to take advantage of the new redeem system rewards. And before saying what about your time spent in-game I would like to remind you all that for the redeems you guys did and leveled up from 190 to 200 you all got eCoins and bonus items which will remain so I really think you guys (old players) will benefit more then lose from this new system.

The redeem system maybe be moved in-game so it will no longer require you to go out of the game every time.

Leveling up from 130 to 200 will not be very easy so you guys will have something to do for a while :p
A new TG will be open for character between level 150->169

We want to make new players and old ones have fun the same time but the hard truth is that the way we have the server build now starting with level 190 its impossible until the new players get the end game gear.

What we want from you guys is to reply to this post and tell us now what you don't like about the current server build and come with a very detailed reply and don't hold anything back so we can remove this "mistakes" on the next game-play update.

just want to ask if all old players will start from lvl130 again so what will happen to our chaos armor, are you going to change the lvl requirement?
to be honest, before way more balance when we only have zwei set after chaos set come out a lot of things change, now almost impossible to kill FA in war with bm3( i dont know now coz i stop playing for a while) just like gyrd said on chaos i think it is good idea to make like that but make the amp scroll hard to get so not all have same build( so not so easy for some GM to copy other build, coz you guys cant remove that program)) make the chaos dropable instead of just crafting it( maybe just try it so not to boring if you all chaos parts just like now)

for accesories i think you guys should take out the OP costumizable access instead make a high rate or chance to get perfect craft on dros and sienna so everyone will not just dance on BI and wait for war

why make 2 TG if you cant make the 200 crowded? and maybe player start from Hr 10 and take out the PoH on mob drops instead put it on warcube so player will be more active in TG
Keep the feedback coming, and I repeat the above post is just and idea, we may not apply it and work based on the feedback you guys give us here.
I recommend to work out with the market so that alz is the center of ir...make items unbinded so that some players can sell it ...with a good market balancinng the alz , ecoin , vote coin...I assure the server will be awesome
Scheduled updates per week might work out.
Scheduled Events - Create a new Staff position (Event Managers) which allows members to apply for a position to host events ONLY / Give rewards by EM / Event Manager only!
High-End Items (Endgame) Items should be put in as Rare for most of the items to not destroy the economy to much and which also gives you the opportunity to use Crafting.

Made a few points of feedback that could use some changes (in my opinion).

Last question: Will crafting level still remain the same or do players have to do it over?

I've stopped playing OGN because i have no time myself to farm all those ''Redeem Coins'' and all the requirements needed to get Chaos is just something i do not like personally. It makes it way to complicated for me and it feels not as Cabal for me.

The way you need all those requirements for items are not my favorite at all.
They're used to drop from dungeons not be able to get it by paying cc or from doing just one dungeon and the rest are useless.

Doing redeems over and over is getting to repitive for me, i was not enjoying it anymore.
Which was the reason i left and went inactive.

Maybe it's because i prefer the old cabal style.
(Please respect it)

There is almost no RNG ingame anymore.

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i think the war now is balance but the problem is the war population if the number of FB in each nation will increase there will be no Char is impossible to kill..
  • I also think making lvling up harder is not a solution. you can change the redeem system but keep the exp rate.
If you intend to decrease the starting lvl i think, lets say 180 is more than enough with the same exp rate but i prefer to stay as it is.
I think better you should work on redeems requirements and rewards, increasing the difficulty don't bring fun in my opinion.
From what i noticed you need 36 b alz to redeem from 211 to 300 , even if you increase the eCoins reward don't worth to spend this amount.
You can buy up to 4000 eC for about 32 - 36 b alz and even if you increase the eC reward to 30, you would get only 3000 eC.
201 - 240 = 35 eCoins reward
241 - 300 = 40 eCoins
You will get 3800 eC at Redeem 300

Alz reward suggestion:
191 - 200 = 75,000,000
201 - 210 = 100,000,000
211 - 220 = 125,000,000 and so on , add 25m to each braket, in the end all this will cost 22 b alz, but even so is easier to make another char to redeem.
Hover items that need to be removed : honor potions , echh , kit color normal ,odd circle , sehh , pet untrain kit , shop remote card , pchh

  • About that Belts, maybe don't know, might be an idea to remove +2 and +3 belts and convert them in 2 Custom Buffs [ I know was already suggested several times]
The point is this:
1 Buff will be focused on resist as Belt of guardian stats but with higher stats than + 3 belt of course
1 Buff will be focused on Amp , CD , as Belt of fighter/sage stats but with higher stats than + 3 belt
The way to achieve them, maybe one from redeems, another one with Warexp + other requirements

Critical Rate Rune
  • Maybe creating a Custom Critical Rate Rune with 3 % can be an idea, can be achieved through crafting or other way, also we get back that 3 % cr we lost from chaos gear.
Chaos Gear
  • Increase a little the dmg for chaos weapons , i got it was way too high but i think as it is now is too low, should still have more cd than a normal weapon this was the idea and you should keep it, i think keeping it at 55% CD [ for full CD one] is a resonable percent.It decreased too much from original stats.
Increase the Critical DMG from items slots to 15%

Siena Bracelet
  • Siena Bracelet which others complained already, i think should be added to be 100% sure of getting it with perfect crafts.
Probably will be available through crafting needing a couple of items or other way

Tierra Gloriosa
  • As others said i think Tierra Gloriosa is something most of us want but for me should be different.
we die too fast, i don't have time even to activate buffs, 1 vs 1 fight should last longer.
Add an item that require warexp, don't know what item but something to worth the effort.

PVP should last for at least 5 hits.
Add that visual effect on Sellenia weapons.
- NW: Splitting wars ? Forget it, simply there aren't enough people for that. Do u know how many ppl active TG atm :giggle: Under 14 lol, sometimes from 16 to 18 at weekend. Before last update, i always see Proc have no one :cry:.
- Redeem: move in-game, and start from 130 to 200. So, we nid spend more times to lvl up our character. I suggest decrease amount of Redeem coin + alz :party::party:, increase Ecoin if possible. Many ppl have no time(some tired or gave up) to farm it or enough alz to buy it, simply we nid alz for redeem.
And one thing, redeem will reset stats point, we still nid log out game to add stats point on web, u guys :giggle:
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Good feedback until now, we are already preparing some good update that includes balance on all armor pieces, weapons and epaulets.
We are also decided about the mid rate server and it will not happen.
We are going to adjust the stuff that is wrong based on all the feedback we got till now and what will come from now on so keep it up.
Since we've come this far..
BM1 seems a bit useless to these class
Force Shielder ( a bit, the reflected damage doesn't do much )

Wizard - Spirit Shield doesn't do much coz of its buff time and max absorb damage

since this is modified server why don't you add buff skills that could only activated in dungeons..
so that way anyone of the classes could do solo run.
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