See another old and senior player rise up , told ya the CDI and AMP need to balance back , max craft AMP yes it is 10 , but CDI is 20 not 12 ! The rate part you done a good job
. Tell you what , CDI is OP because last time we could get 91 rate max you know , even have extra 5 rate (can't find 5 more mcr) . So you balance the rate , okay , big applause
. But the CDI is total big , super and epic fail
. Then you make it more failure by adding RSA on set effect (CDI path already have abit low AMP) , tell you what have you tried the CDI build now ? It's totally ridiculous , we once amazed with CDI player you know , when someone crit it's like WOW
, now seeing CDI player is like "Yo , your damage is retard
" . RSA should not be on set effect . My suggestion , you need add All Att. Up on set effect , as we lack of it , unlike official have charms and effector which give tons of All Att. Up , AMP CDI . Even official pvp with 3 hit but thats how it goes , OP stats resulting to OP DMG . Official got All Att. Up from extreme upgrade , charm and effector . Charm even give AMP and CDI . Yeah fix this as soon as possible , you kill CDI players real nice , we like
. If you guys want add RSA like official (few maybe not 32%) , you need to add All. Att Up , AMP and CDI too because thats how it goes . Not to forget remind about cooldown on speed pots and odd circle . Yes it is good for us to use , but they were use when needed and some situation only . Not getting out of base also you use it
, or running at base while waiting turn aye
. Maybe some player will feel abit awkward when they need use dash and fade I guess
. Yes , one more reminder . Speed pots , Odd Circle , AMP , RSA and CDI . You need fix this aye
. I once give suggestion , if you want help newbies get their gear , why not make make daily quest at CA6 , example "Kill 10 Chaotic Nola Ispita , Kill 10 Chaotic Dark Archers , Kill Chaotic Leth Tyrant" move 6 daily quest to CA6 so they can go solo without depend on high-geared people to baby sit them while them AFK'ing
. Yet if you want to make EOD B3F usefull , increase the drop rate of UCHH , FCHH and maybe PCHH "Last boss and last chest"
. So people will go there to hunt cores and DP indeed . Yeah that's all I want to talk for now . Try to look from each point of view . For those who dislike about all my feedback , don't throw a tons of shit at me
. Learn how to construct a feedback I guess
. Last but not least , happy gaming OGN'ers