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Prepare for major gameplay changes

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I don't agree in making it to mid rate server, why people play this game because it a high rate private server and changing it to mid rate server is totally pointless, for sure many players (especially the new gamers) will go out and find another high rate server, making new characters to 130? and leveling up will be hard, oh come on. this is not really a high rate server anymore,and also splitting the war? there is not enough players in this game and you still thinking of splitting? LOL , just make changes in crafting, and add new features to the game.

Hello protestant !

We already discontinued the idea of the server being mid-rate. If you have any good suggestions to improve the server as a high-rate we appreciate a detailed constructive feedback that you can post on this thread.

Thank you for your support.

Dear Gms and Admins , here I want to give my feedback about current gamplay :

1st , about nation war . From what I see now , everyone is almost immortal . Why ? Infinite amount of speed pots , low hp and run , comeback with full hp . It's a joke . Not forget about super spammer odds . Some player I see like to abuse odd circle to steal base . For example they just spam odd until they positioning their character and get ready to steal base when guardian low hp . It's pure joke when u use some afford to dmg the guardian and some guy just steal em like a boss . Seriously speed pots and odd circle ruin the joy of nation war . Please drastically increase cooldown of odd circle and maybe lower the duration of speed pots , also increase the cooldown .

2nd , about class . So far about the rate , you done a good job . Now it's fair some class like fb and fs now have thier advantage in rate like normal . But one more thing you need to balance is , warrior class . It's kinda joke you know have high defense and high attack . Warrior should have the highest defense but abit low att . Try check NW , Bm2 WA wreck Bm3 FA . It's kinda joke , now many high end gear start to build WA and take the advantage of this . Please balance this out .

3rd , please make relic weapon auto 2 slot unextend like sellenia one . So people don't need waste thier ecoins to buy the craftman , especially for newbies .

4th , we players will happy if you can balance the amp and cdi . So player can choose thier build , not everyone use amp set and wait for some luckiness to win pvp . Like I mention before reduce the amp , not increase the RSA . Increasing the RSA making cdi more useless than before as CDI already have abit low amp and now , CDI is some kind of jokes . You reduce the CDI , I would suggest reduce the amp too . Example , now cdi reduced 8% each craft . Why not amp reduce to 5% or 6% . Not forget to remove the RSA bonus on set bonus .

Thanks for reading my feedback . Hope you could fix this and bring joy to player .

Amp on gear is same as the official making 3 slot to palladium is alot of work or maybe overhaul as you know OGN has limited amount of ppl to work with
Hey protestant :) I can see that you are new. I don't know how up to date you are with the information but I suggest you to read the comments, especially posted by the Staff members and always from Admins ;)
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Amp on gear is same as the official making 3 slot to palladium is alot of work or maybe overhaul as you know OGN has limited amount of ppl to work with

Yeah I just giving some suggestion for people to look about the whole idea ;) . Just can tell you , miss CDI real bad hahahaha :D . Would be extremely happy if they can sort the amp and CDI :):) .
Im thinking about.. increasing the Quest Rewards to encourage newbies to do Main quests to gain alz?
Hello. Sorry I'm late. It's been a while ... When i logged in game, i wanted to throw my PC out the window !!
So ..... that being said ... i dunno where to start ...
After so many fail changes , that some of the staff members "recomanded" you to approve, now u wana make starting level 130 ?? Really? If i want lvl 130 i go on official cabal and do it in 4-5 days !!
You say u wana revive the server ? HA !!!
Rollback some updates and add implement again "Cabal Cap" system, so newplayers have a chance.
And where did u ever saw in cabal 10amp vs 12cd in a item ??
NEWSFLASH --> THE FORMULA IS --->> 2x CD = 1xAMP !!!
The "idiots" who created this game i suppose did some math and calculations before they released it, in the idea that the game should be ballanced !!
You can't change the atribuites / bonuses of a item, as 2-3 players see fit, its f****** ridiculous !!
If I buy a item from whatever what shop, or craft a item with the pre-established attribuites, you are not allowed to change it, that is how that item will stay forever and ever amen !! (guess that happens only on serious servers)

See another old and senior player rise up , told ya the CDI and AMP need to balance back , max craft AMP yes it is 10 , but CDI is 20 not 12 ! The rate part you done a good job :nod: . Tell you what , CDI is OP because last time we could get 91 rate max you know , even have extra 5 rate (can't find 5 more mcr) . So you balance the rate , okay , big applause :clap: . But the CDI is total big , super and epic fail :lipssealed::lipssealed: . Then you make it more failure by adding RSA on set effect (CDI path already have abit low AMP) , tell you what have you tried the CDI build now ? It's totally ridiculous , we once amazed with CDI player you know , when someone crit it's like WOW :eek::eek: , now seeing CDI player is like "Yo , your damage is retard =))=))=))" . RSA should not be on set effect . My suggestion , you need add All Att. Up on set effect , as we lack of it , unlike official have charms and effector which give tons of All Att. Up , AMP CDI . Even official pvp with 3 hit but thats how it goes , OP stats resulting to OP DMG . Official got All Att. Up from extreme upgrade , charm and effector . Charm even give AMP and CDI . Yeah fix this as soon as possible , you kill CDI players real nice , we like :punch::punch: . If you guys want add RSA like official (few maybe not 32%) , you need to add All. Att Up , AMP and CDI too because thats how it goes . Not to forget remind about cooldown on speed pots and odd circle . Yes it is good for us to use , but they were use when needed and some situation only . Not getting out of base also you use it =))=))=)) , or running at base while waiting turn aye =))=))=)) . Maybe some player will feel abit awkward when they need use dash and fade I guess =))=)) . Yes , one more reminder . Speed pots , Odd Circle , AMP , RSA and CDI . You need fix this aye :nod::nod: . I once give suggestion , if you want help newbies get their gear , why not make make daily quest at CA6 , example "Kill 10 Chaotic Nola Ispita , Kill 10 Chaotic Dark Archers , Kill Chaotic Leth Tyrant" move 6 daily quest to CA6 so they can go solo without depend on high-geared people to baby sit them while them AFK'ing :rofl::rofl: . Yet if you want to make EOD B3F usefull , increase the drop rate of UCHH , FCHH and maybe PCHH "Last boss and last chest" :think::think: . So people will go there to hunt cores and DP indeed . Yeah that's all I want to talk for now . Try to look from each point of view . For those who dislike about all my feedback , don't throw a tons of shit at me :nod::nod: . Learn how to construct a feedback I guess =))=))=)) . Last but not least , happy gaming OGN'ers :cool::cool: .
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See another old and senior player rise up , told ya the CDI and AMP need to balance back , max craft AMP yes it is 10 , but CDI is 20 not 12 ! The rate part you done a good job :nod: . Tell you what , CDI is OP because last time we could get 91 rate max you know , even have extra 5 rate (can't find 5 more mcr) . So you balance the rate , okay , big applause :clap: . But the CDI is total big , super and epic fail :lipssealed::lipssealed: . Then you make it more failure by adding RSA on set effect (CDI path already have abit low AMP) , tell you what have you tried the CDI build now ? It's totally ridiculous , we once amazed with CDI player you know , when someone crit it's like WOW :eek::eek: , now seeing CDI player is like "Yo , your damage is retard =))=))=))" . RSA should not be on set effect . My suggestion , you need add All Att. Up on set effect , as we lack of it , unlike official have charms and effector which give tons of All Att. Up , AMP CDI . Even official pvp with 3 hit but thats how it goes , OP stats resulting to OP DMG . Official got All Att. Up from extreme upgrade , charm and effector . Charm even give AMP and CDI . Yeah fix this as soon as possible , you kill CDI players real nice , we like :punch::punch: . If you guys want add RSA like official (few maybe not 32%) , you need to add All. Att Up , AMP and CDI too because thats how it goes . Not to forget remind about cooldown on speed pots and odd circle . Yes it is good for us to use , but they were use when needed and some situation only . Not getting out of base also you use it =))=))=)) , or running at base while waiting turn aye =))=))=)) . Maybe some player will feel abit awkward when they need use dash and fade I guess =))=)) . Yes , one more reminder . Speed pots , Odd Circle , AMP , RSA and CDI . You need fix this aye :nod::nod: . I once give suggestion , if you want help newbies get their gear , why not make make daily quest at CA6 , example "Kill 10 Chaotic Nola Ispita , Kill 10 Chaotic Dark Archers , Kill Chaotic Leth Tyrant" move 6 daily quest to CA6 so they can go solo without depend on high-geared people to baby sit them while them AFK'ing :rofl::rofl: . Yet if you want to make EOD B3F usefull , increase the drop rate of UCHH , FCHH and maybe PCHH "Last boss and last chest" :think::think: . So people will go there to hunt cores and DP indeed . Yeah that's all I want to talk for now . Try to look from each point of view . For those who dislike about all my feedback , don't throw a tons of shit at me :nod::nod: . Learn how to construct a feedback I guess =))=))=)) . Last but not least , happy gaming OGN'ers :cool::cool: .
Completely agree with AceOfHearts. And was shouting my lungs out on forum over a half a year too when ppl started to quit. It was good while it lasted tho. Btw im curious about the donation rate now, compared to same time last year (online-active players also) :O , that should say if you guyz did a good / bad job in the last time, Wake UP !! (btw ppl donate if they like smth, not if they need smth, but there is not mutch to like here). Down to earth as always. Zeratul
as a wi for example couldn't you make Concentrate Spell with 15% amp instead of 10% ? It was 30% damage so would be fair :/ and also Resistance Blockade give it more damage it went from -25% to -10% and -100 def .. a bit too nerfed imo.About fb/fs ones did you put something to replace penetration/damage reduction effects or you simply left them w/o those ? Asking only because it's fine even w/o anything so don't overdo it with your custom stuff if you're gonna add something as replacement

Self quote/bump for this ...would like a bit better synergies since wi are those only ones who lost something useful :| and please spare me that "those are the official values" or im really gonna smash my head over my keyboard lol
Also are you done with set stats/effects,amp/cd values on crafts/slots (mainly palla) and weapons of any kind ? I didn't change anything yet,waiting the "final" checks :think:
Try Senil boss now specially that PANDA, without the synergies with flee and absorb dmg even parties dying wtf if synergys nerf so as for the mobs common, you can do better than this
I think the crit rate need to be increase abit ? I mean not like before this 14 cr 9 mcr 5cr on set , just abit , cause cr abit low now . Maybe 5cr 5mcr or up to you . It would help us abit thou and maybe some amp and cdi on epaulet set effect will do .
Can WA class be adjusted , bm2 Wa class mostly wreck all class cause its knock back and damage . Even bm 3 other class need down resist to fight Wa class pots I mean . If not we cant even do synergy except fs maybe . But high def and high att , not to mention the RSA on set effect which benefit to WA class . Wa probly like using eog and eof at same time . Stop mention about Wa not OP etc , I know ur main point to def ur char from being nerf . In pvp yeah no doubt to pvp a WA class but in TG pure joke , the bm 2 bm 3 , meh . Fix this please , if its not op , why the hell tons of people start making Wa now ?
As i notice you'll be updating soon please consider to lessen the dmg of Senil mobs because [BBBA] synergy is gone! the Flee rate and dmg absorb it gives, now even endgame players getting a hard time farming Senil boss, some gaveup coz of the dmg. shoulve notice this along time ago, you should see that synergy is not just for PVP or TG, take note many players like farming nowadays than TG or whatso i wish this suggestion reached you at some point thank you!
I hate to be an antagonist but some people are just not that creative or susceptible for new changes.
Before, people cries FA is OP. Got tons of it in this forum.

Now few decided to make WA due to new updates and again same people cries its OP.

How about FB? Really? They are too OP with debuffs and not to mention that BM1. But nobody complains coz most of them are FB. When a melee class faces FB, 1 on 1 battle surely defeats WA without a sweat. But with 2 or more in a team VS FB, they can possibly win.
WA are generally damager class and must have a defense greater than that of FB or FA.

FA: They have range to compensate their lack of def.
FB: they have debuffs to compensate their lack of def and attack. But in reality they are a good tanker and have a big damage. Aside from that debuffs. (I know coz i saw it first hand). They are at par with WA.

WA: They got a good def but lesser than FS and should have the biggest attack power in game (if maximized).

WI: Have a good mattack but sadly, not true as advertised. Only acts as a support. For SI Buff use only.

BL: No comment - honestly i hate to use my BL in TG. Bm2 has puny damage. Bm1 even with great crit rate, still no match to def against other classes.

The point is, people must learn to adopt to changes. And not succumb to your to egoistic fantasies.

Now again, what about WI and BL, nobody creates much of those classes because they are weak in TG.

Conclusion: Adjust all classes not only specific ones according to what it is meant to be.

Note: Why WA is stronger than FS in TG?

1. WA is damage type (High Base Attack) and further reinforced due to addition of AMP attributes by sets and weapons (open ur mind and Think thoroughly). Higher base attack + Amp = Power. They can add additional RSA or DEF items because they can that is due to the NATURAL HIGH base attack.

2. FS is a def type, yes. However they have the lowest base attack. Even if u put max amp, still the damage is less. It will only be maximized by CDI but wait, cdi were nerfed a bit and we have low CRI plus ur opponent might be using RCR. Also take into consideration about additional set bonuses of 32% RSA which results to greater reduction of your damage aside from the known sources of def related attributes.
When ur playing FS and u want to maximize ur attack power, u have to sacrifice defense. When u want max def, the effect will definitely be low damage. Simple as that. You mention about buffs WA + BM2, thats unique to them. But FS have also a Def buff which can be use to counter as such.

3. But in the end: FB>WA>FS>BL

Yeah keep laughing on my point of view but that is reality.

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The issues is FS has the highest def , not to mention the crit . But at tg ur damage is ridiculous to WA . Stop saying we need to fit with surround . I have right to give feedback . Your damage to FS with AOD like WA with Bm . Hahaha , there must be something wrong . I aint compare about they too OP or else but the damage you dealth to FS is more than WA ? Is that normal ? Don't say the FS noob thou =)) . He / She got 300 redeem compare to the WA player not 300 redeem . Hahahaha , funny =)) . We talking like x2 more damge here in case you didn't catch it :giggle: . Haven't mention yet WA with BM2 + Aura + Instant Imunity :giggle: . So why not let them take a look about this thou , the defense on WA is ridiculous , ya as far as I know someone tell me FS have the highest def :giggle: .
Ouch, redeem is nothing in this game. 1 redeem is equal to gazillion redeems. What matter is set and options. Plus class.

HELLO? Knock knock..
I think they are closed.


Say what again? REDEEM 0 VS REDEEM 300
in terms of skill books, how much Attack Up / DEF increased. IS IT BETWEEN 25 TO 30? what can that meager additional attack / def can do to overall? The answer is next to negligible.

I said CLASS because they are unique in their own. They have their forte on their own. If only some people knows how to use them properly, then maybe they are not here complaining due to failure of reinventing themselves and accept the proper norm.
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Yet , redeem is not my point =)) , my point is he/she not a newbie and got a good set =)) . Thou still 300 redeems give you skill books which give extra def . So highest defense class (FS) + good set + extra def takes more damage than WA ? Hehehe =)) , as you wish GAZILLIONS =))
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