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Professional Crafting Update

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may be this a good update for PVE type of new player but for those new competitive type of new players this really not a good update.. private sever player are already used to those new player that already have end gear items because of the donation system so there is really no problem about it. the previous crafting system is already hard not the same during the basic,rare, and unique crafting system.. one thing i don't get the reason about to avoid new player use end game item fast if they have alz they can still buy the end game items from other players so there are still new player can instantly used emd game item..
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Good day.. Donation only help us.. But not really the other way around you can't get end gear items just by donating.. We are play to win server.
only problem is, some of my character got the same transmutator, and I wanted to craft all class armors, I only got ARTIFACT and MARTIAL SET X_X
only problem is, some of my character got the same transmutator, and I wanted to craft all class armors, I only got ARTIFACT and MARTIAL SET X_X

Were now doing our best to have a transmuter changer.. =) dont worry
but they can donate ecoin and sell to alz and buy end game items.. easy as that

are you sure players will buy Ecoins that much.. maybe for desperate ones.. there are few players who desperately buys ECoins.. coz players could get Ecoins through redeeming..
but they can donate ecoin and sell to alz and buy end game items.. easy as that
With a few minor changes, like the removal of elements from the vCoin Shop, you can farm the elements here.
Or maybe you can complain, or pray that the sky will rain soul cubes.
I see that every element is obtain-able due normal gameplay.
This server is not a "pay-to-win", nor a "2-day playtime end gear" one.
Dont forget this is the first important change regarding this long term plan for the gameplay.

The Option-Remover development is going well.Expect the website module pretty soon.
Cykros said"The website Enchant system was modified due to recent changes and allowing the trade of the end gear items, please read the Enchant system information page to stay up to date with the rates and requirements to bind and unbind your items."

65% to succes or say bye bye my item, i said 2 times. 65% or pay 2euro and has 11time chance to bind/unbind w/o destroy your item. So, now is server Pay to Win.
New update, new event, Friday and.. 54% ppl on ch1, 21% ch2 and 15% ch4. This is a reason! Dont be worry for me, yes im crying for lost item for.. bind. its only bind, only bind not new item craft or 50% amp more by bind... and destroy item by 35% to fail...
Is crafting mandatory to each player now in order to obtain high gears? Perhaps it is better to UNBIND the elements so that we can just HIRE some players who have leveled their professional crafting to the max for a particular item to do it for us. FOR example I got 5 different class in my account, does that means i got to maximize the level of my professional crafting for each character - Armor/Martial/Battle Set/ Weapon/ Artifact? What if my existing transmutters that my characters currently have do not comprise most of the type of crafting.
im not saying that your server is a P2P(Pay to Win) my point here is since end game item can be unbind already do you really think that 100% of new player will make an effort to level up there professional crating just to obtain the end game item? maybe 2 out of 10 new players are willing to level up there crafting but most of the time they will just buy the end game items form other players.. that's why there will be some new players that will spend money for ec and sell to alz to buy the end game items or stay at zwie frame set and farm util they have enough alz to buy end game items.
Other changes will come but you have to give us time and proper feedback, our goal is to find a proper balance between new players and old and also block this "jump" of all players towards end game items without even passing through the first ones.

The main task for us now is to add the Item option remover from the website and then add more ways to get the Element Cubes ingame for those who cant afford to donate.(A redemption wiki page will be made because I noticed that not all know the places where to farm the Element Cube or the quests they can do and that is because they don't read the previous updates)

Also we have in plan some changes for the classes (to balance them) and some changes for the website Enchant system.

I know this change might be a bit to harsh for some of you but lets look a bit at the positive side which is opening the market for end game gears (having the possibility to unbind and trade Palladium and Equilibrium, having the possibility to craft them also unbinded directly...)

Lets be honest with each other and be constructive here.

Another thing I was talking today with X and Ergo is about the professional craft system for the items below Palladium, what do you guys say if we make the success rate to be a lot more higher and for Extreme items to have a change to craft the Extreme part instead of Low Epic 1 and High Epic 1 to be either Low Epic 3 or High Epic 1?

The only purpose of this update was to make the game timeline longer and make you all go through each set so you can actually taste the real cabal story line.

I consider my self a good administrator since I am always open to listening my players but I want you all to understand my vision here and work with me so we accomplish a common goal. A long story game, if I may call it so.

What do you all say?
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some changes for the website Enchant system.
If u do back old enchant or delete destroy item,so how will they feel what lost? You will have to compensate or change to be fair to everyone.
From such things is test server or questions to players.At the moment i dont have hands lost ~10b for bind, for your pseudo upgrade/change.You are searching for euro, we are understanding that u need to pay for host server or etc,but not this way.
I dont think you can get an end gear piece at a one month time
Why do lots of people complains in crafting. or leveling ur crafting.. its fun actually. hehe many people love equib and rush to get it. and when prof craft butt in they already hate it and decided to quit.. im not saying it bcuz im a crafter way before this update. but the time i spend in leveling my craft its worth it. :)
old craft system please, some of us have to work and we do not have much free time, and i play solo, maybe en 3 months i can craft a piece of PALLADIUM.
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