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Professional Crafting Update

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What Zeratul posted above is a slight summary, full details will come at the proper time.

And basically the Professional craft system will be improved a lot and will be "split" in 3 categories

  • Normal Professional Items (max 3 slots and 1 Epic Value)
  • Extreme Professional Items (max 2 slots and 2 Epic Values)
  • Unique Professional Items (max 1 slot and 3 Epic Values)

gg for extreme if it will be max 2. slot it will be the same as normal craft.
They must removed the crafting LEVEL , coz its not a pure grind its a pure hell to level crafting skills its unfair for those who have work, and want to play and pay, it makes the server more BORING . pure grind is enjoying to farm the requirement not to level a crafting skills and draining all times of playing
They must removed the crafting LEVEL , coz its not a pure grind its a pure hell to level crafting skills its unfair for those who have work, and want to play and pay, it makes the server more BORING . pure grind is enjoying to farm the requirement not to level a crafting skills and draining all times of playing
i mean remove the crafting level who wants to craft equi and pallad its unfair coz old player gets palla easliy without crafting level, so unfair for new player!
That's right, this update is totally useless. Guys who made palla set in the past now have the possibility to sell them for overprice like 15B per part... This is what You call ,,choice"? Going through long and boring craft mechanics (for those who are not crafting maniacs) or paying hundreds bilions for even not the best set? I don't see a good choice from those 2 ways...
It was always horrible how Admins made in updates things way harder than before and it's a penalty for newcomers.
I agree fatal. I've played on this server for well over two months and have donated ecoins and my set is still not complete. I think what frustrates me the most is that these changes were implemented without consulting the player base. I understand there may be a vision for the GMs but if your players don't agree with your vision, well then maybe it's not the correct vision.
kiddo when im just a normal player ive completed my Palladium set for almost 5-6months. ( 3-4hours gameplay a day).
dont think you can get Palla set in just 2months.. you are dreaming.
kiddo when im just a normal player ive completed my Palladium set for almost 5-6months. ( 3-4hours gameplay a day).
dont think you can get Palla set in just 2months.. you are dreaming.

This right here is exactly why people aren't happy with the update. You make assumptions and think you know best without asking other people's opinion no matter how much you "pretend to care". Get off your high horse with the "kiddo" bullshit. I'm probably older than you buddy. Also I wasn't trying to say that I should be able to get palladium in 2 months. I'm referencing the fact that Cykros wants players to have a longer play through before they get end game gear. 5-6 months for end game gear on a private server seems pretty reasonable to me. I don't play 3-4 hours a day so I will have even longer before I can get a finished set.
This right here is exactly why people aren't happy with the update. You make assumptions and think you know best without asking other people's opinion no matter how much you "pretend to care". Get off your high horse with the "kiddo" bullshit. I'm probably older than you buddy. Also I wasn't trying to say that I should be able to get palladium in 2 months. I'm referencing the fact that Cykros wants players to have a longer play through before they get end game gear. 5-6 months for end game gear on a private server seems pretty reasonable to me. I don't play 3-4 hours a day so I will have even longer before I can get a finished set.

maybe you are even older than me but that doesn't mean that you are the mature one.. that's why i called you a kid..
the way i see it.. the vision you want for our server to have is to get the best items in just a short period of time..

but the way we see this is different on how the players like you sees.
What will happen if the players easily gets the So Called End Gear items.. what now?
1 by 1 players will reach it eventually (time doesn't matter).

Us staffs will find a way to make the game more diverse..
and will not revolve around like this..
Daily Quest >> Spam Dungeon >> Farm Alz >> Trash Talk=)) >> PvP >> Nation War

thats why we are trying hard to not limit the players Choices.. now we introduced the crafting.
and if you guys are reading the Discord chats you know that the next update is really good..

i hope instead of hates/bashful comments you could help us improve the system.
maybe you are even older than me but that doesn't mean that you are the mature one.. that's why i called you a kid..
the way i see it.. the vision you want for our server to have is to get the best items in just a short period of time..

I just said I was not expecting to get the best items in two months. Even if I did want that, it wouldn't make me immature.

but the way we see this is different on how the players like you sees.
What will happen if the players easily gets the So Called End Gear items.. what now?
1 by 1 players will reach it eventually (time doesn't matter).

You're completely missing my point about the fact that you are building the server without consulting the player base. I addressed this in my previous reply that you have your vision and many players I talk to disagree. As i've said before I respect your right to do what you want with your server but if you ask for feedback don't be defensive about it and call me immature when I give feedback that doesn't align with your thoughts. What you are doing is a mark of immaturity.

Us staffs will find a way to make the game more diverse..
and will not revolve around like this..
Daily Quest >> Spam Dungeon >> Farm Alz >> Trash Talk=)) >> PvP >> Nation War

thats why we are trying hard to not limit the players Choices.. now we introduced the crafting.
and if you guys are reading the Discord chats you know that the next update is really good..

I appreciate that you are trying to develop the server and create new content. Crafting from what i've seen just makes the farming process longer. Also your failure to inject cores into dungeon drops also makes Farming Alz longer as the cores that are available are very expensive. So in my opinion you haven't really changed anything.

i hope instead of hates/bashful comments you could help us improve the system.

i've given you feedback which has either been ignored or i've been called an immature kid for giving you my honest respectful opinion. I've seen alot of people comment in discord or ask questions and we get "be patient" or "the game is too easy, this is the way it is going to be". To me it seems like you ask for help but don't really care what we have to say.


edit: i'm not trying to be a nuisance, I honestly enjoyed my time here and want to see the server prosper but I am also going to speak my mind whenIi disagree with something
The way i see it we dont force anyone to craft if u dont wanna craft u can just wait other to lvl up theyr craft and give them souls and alz to craft for u . U have ur choice farm alz or go craft it .. :)
The way i see it we dont force anyone to craft if u dont wanna craft u can just wait other to lvl up theyr craft and give them souls and alz to craft for u . U have ur choice farm alz or go craft it .. :)

should not be pointed this way. When the only way to get a set it's by crafting you kind force them to do so [ please don't say that the sets will not be bind anymore]
Sorry but i don't see this to be a an option. You are saying that i give him souls and alz to craft it to get an item with 4% craft? not to mention that scamming become an option.So no i won't do this.

Again, crafting being the only option to get a good set i think should be something like this:
extreme options should have 100% success for max craft [ for palladium and equilibrium especially] , it's hard enough to craft until there. So yes i expect a 100% chance for max craft so i prefer to increase souls requirements but to have 100% success rate for max craft.
should not be pointed this way. When the only way to get a set it's by crafting you kind force them to do so [ please don't say that the sets will not be bind anymore]
Sorry but i don't see this to be a an option. You are saying that i give him souls and alz to craft it to get an item with 4% craft? not to mention that scamming become an option.So no i won't do this.

Again, crafting being the only option to get a good set i think should be something like this:
extreme options should have 100% success for max craft [ for palladium and equilibrium especially] , it's hard enough to craft until there. So yes i expect a 100% chance for max craft so i prefer to increase souls requirements but to have 100% success rate for max craft.
But item craft is 100% :D only license can fail
should not be pointed this way. When the only way to get a set it's by crafting you kind force them to do so [ please don't say that the sets will not be bind anymore]
Sorry but i don't see this to be a an option. You are saying that i give him souls and alz to craft it to get an item with 4% craft? not to mention that scamming become an option.So no i won't do this.

Again, crafting being the only option to get a good set i think should be something like this:
extreme options should have 100% success for max craft [ for palladium and equilibrium especially] , it's hard enough to craft until there. So yes i expect a 100% chance for max craft so i prefer to increase souls requirements but to have 100% success rate for max craft.
Regarding the recipes of Palladium/Equilibrium as of this moment they are all perfect/max values i.e. suit be like x3 10% ASA no [ ] no + (tradeable)
extreme options should have 100% success for max craft [ for palladium and equilibrium especially] , it's hard enough to craft until there. So yes i expect a 100% chance for max craft so i prefer to increase souls requirements but to have 100% success rate for max craft.

I talk about this, don't seems to be so
The Extreme professional craft epic chance will be between High Epic level 2 / 3 / 4. ( 4% / 5% / 6% ASA ).
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Giving soul and alz to those plater who already max their crafting is to risky.. wait other players to craft and sell it?? how long will it take and how many players are waiting for that single item to buy it.. do you even consider that during the update?? it only leads us players with no other option but to levelup our crating.. you should at least make a survey before releasing a game changing update..
Closing thread so you guys wont waste your time posting about stuff that is already being improved.
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